My Second Week in the DreemPort - Ecency Challenge LOVElution [ESP/ENG]


Fuente/Source: Foto Creada por/Created Photo by Lifeforstock en/in


Mi Segunda Semana en el Reto DreemPort - Ecency

Hola querida comunidad de Hive Blockchain. Esta semana ha sido algo complicada para mí en muchos aspectos. He tenido que resolver muchos asuntos personales y arreglar algunas situaciones particulares con mi vida privada y que desearía contarles. Pero, es mi vida privada, así que lo siento. Cuando estas situaciones estén finamente arregladas y en su sitio correcto, seguro se los contaré por aquí. Pero, por ahora, solo debo enfocarme en ser lo que quiero ser: un gran soñador. Y @dreemport junto a @ecency son el sitio ideal para uno expresar y conectarse con ese bello sentimiento que todos tienen aquí. Mi semana comenzó con la aventura de la transición de la EVOLution a la LOVElution. Y ese concepto me fascino. Es más, en una parte de esa, mi vida privada, específicamente el día martes, creo que esos conceptos se hicieron presentes e hicieron un gran click en mí. Después les contaré, en un futuro que se construirá desde mis sueños.

My Second Week in the DreemPort - Ecency Challenge LOVElution

Hello dear Hive Blockchain community. This week has been a bit complicated for me in many aspects. I have had to resolve many personal issues and settle some particular situations in my private life that I wish I could tell you about. But, it's my private life, so I'm sorry. When these situations are finely arranged and in their right place, I will surely tell you about them here. But, for now, I just have to focus on what I want to be: a big dreamer. And @dreemport with @ecency is the ideal place to express and connect with that beautiful feeling that everyone has here. My week started with the adventure of transitioning from EVOLution to LOVElution. And that concept fascinated me. What's more, in one part of that, my private life, specifically on Tuesday, I think those concepts came through and made a big click in me. I will tell you later, in a future that will be built from my dreams.


El día lunes comenzó con mi atención sobre esta segunda semana del Reto DreemPort Ecency. Pude conocer a los miembros del equipo y agradezco a cada uno de ellos por su fabuloso interés y compromiso con este reto. Me disculpo con @tengolotodo, @olawalium y @george-dee si quizás no fui tan activo esta semana en el reto, pero debía resolver mis asuntos. Aun así, el mismo lunes me encanto la energía y ese gran compromiso que siempre tiene Tengolotodo con esta blockchain. Ese día, realice mi primera sugerencia, que fue promocionar a un amigo del equipo. Lo intenté con Geroge-dee, envíe la transferencia de 300 puntos para impulsar su post Creative Sunday with George Dee in the kitchen, pero no sé si la misma funciono, fue recibida, procesada o que paso. Lo cierto es que aprovecharé para impulsar hoy, a mis otros amigos del equipo, repartir LOVElution con mis puntos Ecency y así cumplir con las sugerencias para la semana.

Monday started with my attention on this second week of the DreemPort Ecency Challenge. I was able to meet the team members and thank each of them for their fabulous interest and commitment to this challenge. I apologize to @tengolotodo, @olawalium, and @george-dee if perhaps I wasn't as active this week in the challenge, but I had to resolve my issues. Even so, on Monday I loved the energy and the great commitment that Tengolotodo always has to this blockchain. That day, I made my first suggestion, which was to promote a friend of the team. I tried with George-dee, and I sent the transfer of 300 points to promote his post Creative Sunday with George Dee in the kitchen, but I don't know if it worked, was received, processed or what happened. What is certain is that I will take the opportunity to push today, to my other friends of the team, to distribute LOVElution with my Ecency points and thus fulfill the suggestions for the week.


Creative Sunday with George Dee in the kitchen.
By @george-dee


Como sugerencias para el segundo día, se nos pidió que impulsáramos un novato. Una buena idea para darle ese apoyo a los nuevos que llegan con muchos sueños y anhelos. Estuve un rato dando vueltas por nuestra blockchain y me encuentre con esta nueva usuaria que se incorporó recientemente a nuestra cadena de bloques. Me gusto mucho su presentación y por ello le estoy brindando este impulso como apoyo y bienvenida a Hive. En @ecency y @dreemport seguro encontrará muchas maneras de conectar con otros soñadores como ella, que desean hacer de su vida un lugar bonito, no solo para ellos mismos, sino para los demás. Apreciada compatriota @verdesmeralda, recibe un gran saludo y un abrazo de este soñador y de toda una magnífica comunidad que se alegra de que estés aquí.

As suggestions for the second day, we were asked to promote a newcomer. A good idea to give that support to the newcomers who arrive with lots of dreams and yearnings. I was walking around our blockchain for a while and I met a new user who recently joined our blockchain. I really liked her introduction and so I am giving her this boost as support and welcome to Hive. On @ecency and @dreemport she is sure to find many ways to connect with other dreamers like her, who want to make their life a beautiful place, not only for themselves but for others. Appreciated your compatriot @verdesmeralda, receive a big hello and a hug from this dreamer and a whole magnificent community that is glad you are here.


¿Ataque de pánico o grito del alma? | Catarsis [Esp-Eng]

By @verdesmeralda


La sugerencia propuesta para el tercer día me dejo algo confuso y quizás debía consultar a los amigos del equipo. En todo caso, y como mi idea es entregar mucho de lo que significa LOVElution, simplemente decidí impulsar a los amigos del equipo. Así, me fui a pasear a un pequeño espacio de Escocia en al post de Tengolotodo, a recordar esos momentos memorables e inspiradores que nos puede dejar una buena película con él post de George-dee y a reflexionar un poco en como sería nuestra vida si no necesitáramos dormir, con la publicación de Olawallun. A cada uno les dejé una parte de mi compromiso con este fabuloso reto.

The suggestion proposed for the third day left me a bit confused and perhaps I should consult the friends of the team. In any case, and as my idea is to deliver a lot of what LOVElution means, I simply decided to push the friends of the team. So, I went for a walk to a small space in Scotland in al post by Tengolotododo, to remember those memorable and inspiring moments that a good movie can leave us with him [post by George-dee](https://ecency. com/ecency/@george-dee/will-smith-and-taraji-henson) and to reflect a bit on what our life would be like if we didn't need sleep, with Olawallun's post. To each, I left a part of my commitment to this fabulous challenge.



Para cumplir con la última sugerencia para la segunda semana de este reto, le llevé algo de LOVElution a mi apreciada @margagar60, una amiga que tiene poco tiempo en nuestra cadena de bloques y que está allí, compartiendo sus pasiones y lo que le encanta. Este cover que nos comparte en su post, me trajo muchos recuerdos de mi infancia, cuando compartí momentos únicos con todos mis familiares, en esas grandes reuniones que se hacían para épocas de fiesta. Aquí está un soñador que le agrada dejar esas marcas a través de esta segunda semana del Reto DreemPort - Ecency, y que espera, de algún modo, haber cumplido con el compromiso para el mismo. Sigamos conectados y compartiendo a través de estas dos magníficas herramientas de interacción en nuestra fabulosa cadena de bloques. Un gran abrazo para todos los amigos que sueñan, crecen y comparten a través de esta red.

To fulfill the last suggestion for the second week of this challenge, I brought some LOVElution to my appreciated @margagar60, a friend who has little time in our blockchain and who is there, sharing her passions and what she loves. This cover she shares with us in her post, brought back many memories of my childhood, when I shared unique moments with all my relatives, in those big gatherings that were made for festive times. Here is a dreamer who likes to leave those marks through this second week of the DreemPort Challenge - Ecency, and who hopes, somehow, to have fulfilled the commitment for it. Let's keep on connecting and sharing through these two magnificent interaction tools in our fabulous blockchain. A big hug to all friends who dream, grow and share through this network.



By @margagar60


Este post es de mi autoría y expreso en él, mis experiencias y aprendizajes cada día en este Blockchain. Todas las imágenes son editadas por mí y corresponden a capturas realizadas en mi PC y las fuentes están indicadas en cada caso. Si te gusta, puedes dejar un comentario u opinión y tu voto favorable.

This post is of my authorship and I express in it, my experiences and learnings every day in this Blockchain. All images are edited by me and correspond to captures made on my PC and the sources are indicated in each case. If you like it, you can leave a comment or opinion and your favorable vote.


Bitcoin Free


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It was a great week of LOVElution and I enjoyed every part of it even though I got into contest that is bigger than time, I had fun and I want to say a big thank you for the support.

Some of the boosts didn't work and I don't know why, I added a screenshot to my post as well for confirmation. Thanks for the love sir, wishing you a beautiful weekend.


My brother, yes, some of the boosts didn't work. When the post is older or when the length of the posts didn't match up with the points being boosted with, they return it. I check the length of post to determine how many points to boost with. Even at that, some still got rejected because it became more older. I boost posts with 2-3 days.


I guess I will need to study how it works, thanks for the hint.


No worries my brother 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗


Nos alegra ver este post , y la union que se busca con la iniciativa sin duda maravillas de la web3


It was a great week and you with every member of the team made it so much fun. Thank you for being a wonderful person and I was unable to make my own post today because I am a bit down. I did everything this week, supporting newbies, friends, teammates and even old friends too. I am happy to share the love around. Thank you for holding the flag for us.


Gracias Ramón por toda tu participación en los retos de esta semana. Gracias por ser un gran miembro de nuestro equipo :)


Y'all did well, it was a great week.
