[ESP-ENG] What would I grow a vegetable garden of?.. Do I prefer the modern world or the old world?.. || Ladies of Hive Community Contest #81


Bienvenidos a mi blog/Welcome to my blog


Saludos, damas de esta apreciada colmena, en especial las de esta comunidad que se son muchas, es un placer poder escribir y participar nuevamente en este concurso semanal propuesto por @ladiesofhive quien cada semana genera dos interesantes interrogantes y esta semana veo muy significante ambas preguntas por lo que les daré respuesta a las dos desde mi punto de vista, así que sin más preámbulos aquí voy.
Greetings, ladies of this appreciated hive, especially those of this community that I know are many, it is a pleasure to write and participate again in this weekly contest proposed by @ladiesofhive who every week generates two interesting questions and this week I see very significant both questions so I will answer them both from my point of view, so without further ado here I go.

Si piensas cultivar un huerto, ¿cuál es tu verdura favorita y para qué platos la utilizas?/If you plan to garden, what is your favorite vegetable and what dishes do you use it for?

Mi padre era un hombre del campo el cual le encantaba sembrar y en mi casa siempre había siembra de algo, me fascinaba acompañarle en esas labores las cuales aprendí, de hecho tengo mi especialidad educativa como profesora de educación rural con el pasar del tiempo he puesto en práctica dichas enseñanzas aunque actualmente ya no lo hago debido a que vivo en apartamento con cuento con el espacio para ello, pero realmente me encantan cultivar todo tipo de vegetales y verduras. Si se me diera la oportunidad de cultivar algo definitivamente seria, tomate, cebolla y pimentón, porque soy amante de estos alimentos para realizar diferentes guisos y también para la elaboración de ensaladas, en mi nevera no faltan estos tres ingredientes para mis comidas así sean salteados como relleno para los sanguches o arepas la verdad que le dan un sabor muy especial y por eso esta sería mi opción.
My father was a man of the field which loved to plant and in my house there was always planting something, I was fascinated to accompany him in these tasks which I learned, in fact I have my educational specialty as a teacher of rural education with the passage of time I have put into practice these teachings although currently I no longer do it because I live in apartment with the space for it, but I really love to grow all kinds of vegetables and vegetables. If I were given the opportunity to grow something it would definitely be tomato, onion and paprika, because I am a lover of these foods to make different stews and also for the preparation of salads, in my fridge there is no lack of these three ingredients for my meals as well as sautéed as a filling for sandwiches or arepas the truth that give a very special flavor and that is why this would be my choice.

¿Deseas alguna vez tiempos más sencillos o prefieres el mundo moderno y "tecnológico" de hoy? ¿Cuál elegirías para vivir y por qué?/Do you ever wish for simpler times or do you prefer today's modern, "technological" world? Which would you choose to live in and why?

Tanto el mundo moderno como el sencillo que es de donde vengo tienen sus ventajas y desventajas, pero yo indudablemente prefiero lo sencillo dado que en la época en que no existía la tecnología las personas se comunicaban mejor existía más tiempo para todos la seguridad era mayor los encuentros eran más frecuentes y en ellos se disfrutaba al máximo no existía tanta maldad todo estaba basado en paz y amor, se aplicaban mucho los valores como el respeto la tolerancia y la amistad además que la economía era mucho mejor que la de ahora porque por ejemplo en mi hogar éramos ocho personas y únicamente mi padre era quien trabajaba para solventar todos los gastos del hogar más los de mis hermanos, mi madre y yo aun así papá podía darse el lujo de salir con sus amigos a tomarse unos tragos; la situación realmente era muy diferente porque al no existir tecnología se podía conversar de manera más amena e interesante, claro que la tecnología es un avance el cual nos ha ayudado mucho, pero también nos ha distanciado de todo y de todos, ya que vivimos sumergidos en ella de alguna manera, por eso prefiero la época de antes donde éramos más humanos, sensibles y todo era más seguro y sano.
Both the modern world and the simple world, which is where I come from, have their advantages and disadvantages, but I undoubtedly prefer the simple world because in the time when technology did not exist, people communicated better, there was more time for everyone, security was greater, meetings were more frequent and they were enjoyed to the fullest, there was not so much evil, everything was based on peace and love, values such as respect, tolerance and friendship were applied and the economy was much better than now because for example in my home there were eight of us and only my father was the one who worked to pay for all the household expenses plus those of my brothers, my mother and I. Even so, my father could afford to go out with his friends to have a few drinks; the situation was really very different because in the absence of technology we could talk in a more pleasant and interesting way, of course technology is an advance which has helped us a lot, but it has also distanced us from everything and everyone, as we live immersed in it somehow, so I prefer the time before where we were more human, sensitive and everything was safer and healthier.

Contenido 100% original de @giocondina/100% original content by @giocondina

La imagen principal fue adaptada en en el programa Inkscape, la segunda y tercera imagen fueron creadas en canva/The main image was adapted in Inkscape, the second and third images were created in canva.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


Whoever is directly controlling the V2K told me to kill myself.
They told me if I killed myself now it would save the lives of countless others.
Saying the longer I wait to kill myself the more people will suffer.

They are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 years. I know there are many in prison that dont deserve to be there because of this. Your stay in prison will not be fun @battleaxe and friends. People are going to want you dead when they find out what you did. I hope you die a slow painful death. You sick mother fuckers.


Its a terrorist act on American soil while some say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic and foreign threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and tell them about the day you asked me why. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control with ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers from telling the truth?

Cebolla, tomate y pimentón, ideal para una salsa. Estos vegetales dan un sabor unico y un aroma delicioso.


Creo que todas las comidas se les agrega un sabor especial si tiene cebolla, tomate o pimentón. Gracias por compartir 😊


Coincido contigo en que los años 80 fueron excelentes. En mi caso, yo era una niña, pero recuerdo como todo era más cercano, más personal, los juegos eran interactivos, con los amigos y familiares, en la calle, o en un parque. Ahora la tecnología ayuda mucho, pero se han perdido cosas esenciales


I know people who are socially inept because they don't know how to interact face to face. That is definitely on downside to the technological world we live in. I remember a lot of what you are describing from my own childhood as well. It was a simpler time. Thanks for sharing and have a lovely day!
