Why it's so hard to be good?




Why is it so challenging to be decent? Why is it so hard to live up to our mental expectations?

One theory is that it's just tough to be good. Our minds are constantly bombarded with temptations and distractions that make it hard to stay on the straight and narrow. It's like rowing a boat upstream against a strong current - sooner or later, you will get tired and start drifting downstream again.

Another theory is that our ideals are too idealistic. We want to be perfect in every way, but the reality is that we're just human beings with all sorts of imperfections and flaws. It's impossible to live up to our standards, let alone the means of others. So perhaps it's not surprising that we sometimes falter in our quest for goodness.

Ultimately, there's no easy answer to why it's so hard to be good. But one thing is sure: the struggle is worth it because greatness lies on the other side of goodness. So keep striving, even when it seems impossible, and you'll get there at the end of the day.

Have you ever witnessed a day when everything seems to be going wrong? You wake up late, your coffee spilled on your shirt, and you can't find your keys. So you head to work, only to be stuck in traffic. And then, when you finally get to the office, your boss is breathing down your neck.
It feels as if the entire world is arrayed against you.

We all have a dark side - that part of ourselves that is unenlightened, selfish, and spoiled. We may not like to face it, but it's there. And it's important to remember that our dark side is not necessarily wrong. We all have shadows, and they're nothing to be ashamed of. Instead, our shadows can be a great mirror, showing us how we react to the world around us. When we face our dark side, we may shout at the driver who cut us off or take advantage of our employees because they need the job. But if we can learn to accept our shadows, they can help us become better people. By understanding our dark side, we can learn to control it instead of letting it control us.

We all want to believe that we are decent individuals. We tell ourselves that we love everyone and everything, are enlightened and give selflessly to the unfortunate. But our actions - particularly our reactions - are the significant indicators of our more profound nature. Our "dark" reactions - both physical and emotional - are what the spiritual seeker must boldly face if they are ever to progress past a rudimentary taste of Inner Peace.

Our dark reactions can be challenging to meet, but they are essential to our journey to spiritual maturity. We can learn to transcend our dark reactions and find true peace within ourselves by facing our dark reactions head-on.

One of the great gifts of humanity is our capacity for imagination. We can dream of beautiful things, from incredible inventions to far-flung future societies. However, the problem is that sometimes we get so caught up in our fantasies that we forget they're only mental images. We start to believe in some idealized version of ourselves and our lives, and then we get upset and disappointed when we don't live up to that fantasy.

Many spiritual seekers are under the impression that their lofty aims of enlightenment are real. They think they need to become some perfected version of themselves to find true happiness, but this is just an illusion. You don't need to deny your essential nature or try to live up to some impossible standard. Instead, embrace the darkness within you, feel the burn of your desires – and you will quickly find the light of true self-acceptance.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 107 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!


We can't be good for everyone and all the time in our life, we just can try to be good. Yes, sometimes its hard to be good but we can be good maximum time if we try.


Yup! trying is worth it!
!ALIVE !LUV !hivebits
