
It has been said and believe that hard wok is the main way to success, yes it is! because when you fail to work hard you may end up as a failure.

In fact when you hear or read the story of great men you will know that hard work can not be dispute to become a successful one. But do you know that when you have a right mind set to WORK hard and you are with a wrong set of people around you ,you will end up with a wrong mind set like them.

Many people have determined to be successful in life but the group of people they relate and interact with Will determine if they will be able to achieve their goals or not.

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When you're a type full of aspiration but you are associating with mediocre you will never achieve your goal or become what you are willing to become in life. The type of association you are keeping or should I say the category of people or friends you're keeping will determine your achievements in life.

The set or group of people you're associating with can either impact you positively or negatively,so one have to be very careful of the association that one keeps.

There are times in life when you may be down or discourage because no one is immune to discouragement, the people around you should motivate and encourage you but when they are not with a positive mindset that will only cause you more depression. People of positive mindset will always tell you that you can make it to the top, that no matter what you may be facing to day it is just for a moment and not for a lifetime. They will always let you know that you have a seed of greatness in you and you have to cause it to grow that nations might benefit from it.

Your family, friends, social and economical association will determine if you can realize your dreams or not.

Separate yourself from any association or friendship that will hold you down or make a mediocre in life. Although this may actually seems difficult but you just have to do it because your goal is more important than unprofitable association.

Thanks for reading through my article, your comments and questions is highly welcome.
