Difficulty in Video Games


Sup beautiful people? 😉

This month sees the release of Elden Ring – fromsoftware’s newest bludgeoning weapon. Now, personally, I like a good blunt object to the head as much as the next guy. 💪

Needless to say, I will forsake my social life to play this imminent masterpiece. Unlike one of my best friends – let’s call him Bob here – who absolutely despises all fromsoftware games. 😱

I had an interesting discussion with Bob, one that left me pondering the meaning of difficulty in games, which led me to write this article. Lego. 😎

thegeek-FromSoftware-games.jpg copy.png


My first argument was that my taste in gaming was just too sophisticated for poor ol’ Bob to understand. 😥 Naturally, I was just trying to get a rise from him, as I personally don’t believe in “taste”. But this is an argument that gets levied around, so let’s debunk it, shall we?

  • Do some people prefer harder games and vice versa? Yes.

  • Are all preferences mutually exclusive? Nope.

Just because you enjoy getting pummeled by the AI, does not mean you won’t enjoy getting caressed by it either. 🤤 If we truly consider taste and all it stands for, then we have to consider the fact that it can grow and change. People get attached to an image of themselves which they constantly reinforce with repetition. And in the end, the lie becomes the truth – it's easier to accept and conform than the discovered awful sincere truths. 😅

For the first 25 years of my life, I didn’t - scratch that, **I couldn’t** - eat any peppers (doesn't matter which kind, my body found all of them disgusting 🤢). Why? I don’t know, **ask God**. But for the past year, somehow my taste buds developed to where they don’t bother me nearly as much. 🤷‍♂ Subsequently, I remember when I considered platformers the dredgers of the earth. Boring and repetitive. Nowadays they are one of my favorite genres. Why? Well, **I’ll tell ya**.

If you don’t allow yourself to experience new things then you will never grow. Your “taste” is ever-shifting, it’s just that you aren’t listening to it. Comfort zone got you on lock boi. 💯

And here we arrive at this article’s crux. Trust. Allow yourself to trust the developer. If you do that and you still struggle with the game's difficulty, then I concede – that game is not for you. But I’ll bet that 8 out of 10 people will find the new experience refreshing. 😁

And of course, this goes both ways. If you don’t allow your “taste” to shackle you, then I bet even your HARDCORE GAMER 😤 heart can melt. You just need to let your preferences run wild. Never constrain yourself.


👽 Now that we’ve established that almost anyone can enjoy anything (if they allow themselves), we have to unpack what that means. 👽

Bob told me “if only Dark Souls had an easy mode”. Now, Bob enjoys his platformers. I told him “imagine if Hollow Knight had a hard mode”.


I think it’s easy to see how this argument doesn’t hold any weight. Game difficulty should be fluid, not constrictive. Since its inception, it was meant as an inclusive mechanic. When we forget this, we forget the very point of adjustable difficulty. And even worse, we shun the products that don’t have this feature.

When I first played Demon Souls, I thought it was one of the worst-designed games ever conceived. 😅 This fallacy did not last long, however, as my fever at the time did not allow me to play anything else. Once I persevered through the slog of learning something new, the game greeted me with an experience I will remember for the rest of my life. 😄

Granted, I trusted the dev because of necessity, but it worked out all the same. 😇


Remember: I had to mention this somewhere and this seemed as good a place as any. People make mistakes. Just like in the real world, sometimes you'll misplace your trust. You will get burned from time to time, but that's not the point. It's about having a process. It's about doing everything with conscious intent. If you are aware of this you could distinguish between the trash product and your own preferences. More often than not this is easier said than done..


“The worst thing a kid can say about homework is that it is too hard. The worst thing a kid can say about a game is it's too easy.”
Henry Jenkins

This is a famous quote - and it's a good quote, don't get me wrong - but I hate the notion: in order for games to have value they have to be challenging. Again, this isn't incorrect. I'd say this is one of the cvore principles of making a compelling experience. But not all experiences are built equal, and not all experiences are meant for everybody. Sometimes man's gotta chill, yo. You know what I mean? 😎



Games are hard to make and harder to balance. We should always take this into account. If a game’s difficulty is hindering our enjoyment, then we should consider the difficulty as a bug rather than a feature. 🤔

This only works if we’ve trusted the process. It all stems from that. If we are untruthful with ourselves, we will forever live as our own shadow. Doomed to follow a fake forever. 😲

Too dramatic? For sure. But we have to inject some drama into a topic as nerdy as this one. 🤓

When is the difficulty a feature and not a bug? When both you and the developer know what you’re doing. A rarity I know. But it happens more often than you think.



This is important to remember as many wannabe HARDCORE GAMERS 😤🖖 don't make this distinction. Games like "I Wanna be the Guy" are not difficult, challenging maybe, but that means nothing. Hitting your head against a brick wall isn't difficult, it's just stupid.

Making something hard for the sake of it being hard is lazy design. The challenge needs to be understandable and react-able. Cheap deaths might increase the death counter, but that's all it does. Cheap design makes cheap games. 💯 // drake meme

A good example of this is Dark Souls vs Dark Souls 3. DS3 is a fine game, but it's noticeably cheaper than DS1. In DS3, there are numerous occasions where your death is unavoidable. Only after you've died and lost your souls can you adjust your gameplay (an easy example of this are the ambush enemies from 'around the corner'). In comparison, DS1 relies on clear communication with the player, making every death feel like you are the one at fault. And not the dev pressing their thumb on the scale.

I think fromsoftware learned this lesson, as they fixed it in Sekiro.


You need to apply conscious thought to everything. It's the only way to not unintentionally lie to yourself.

📣 “But Jov, this sounds like worrrrk. I just wanna play the gamzzz.”

Well, Bob, maybe you shouldn’t talk about game difficulty then, hmmmm? Or maybe, just maybe, you were boosting your online ego, eh? You want everyone to know how hardcore of a gamer you are without putting in the work, eh? Eh?? 😤

“Hard fun is, of course, the idea that we take pleasure in accomplishing something difficult: the joy in meeting and mastering a challenge. As a result, when someone is doing something that is hard fun, moment by moment it looks more like "work" than "fun," but the net effect is pleasurable overall.”
― David Williamson Shaffer

Jokes aside, understanding one’s self opens up doors you never thought possible. 🤘


Since this was such a niche topic I tried to incorporate many examples applicable to everyday life. I'd bet it sounded pretentious as $#!@ 😂 but that's ok.

You should take everything I said with a pinch of salt (and some vinegar while you're at it yukyukyuk). Most times things are just poorly made, ya know? No paradigm shift will fix that. But at least if you followed my logic, you would know whether a said product is actually poorly made, or just not made for you.

That's the hope at least. 😁

At the end of the day: you do you. Enjoy the stuff you enjoy and hate the stuff you hate. Just... maybe give things a shot from time to time, yeah?

You'll never find buried treasure if you don't search for it.



This piece went in a direction I didn't predict, but watcha gonna do, eh? I hope I made some sense and you came out of this article a better person! I'm not holding my breath though. 😂

Shout-out to the 🍕PIZZA🍕 gang, 🤙 gang. 🤙

👊 Follow me on my HIVE blog | Twitter 👊

Image sources: 1; 2; 3; 4.

Have a good one, yo. 🙌


I think I've had a conversation with a friend about this where we were talking about how difficulty made a game more enjoyable.

Difficulty in games will always be something controversial or something that is quite debatable, but personally I feel it is just a matter of taste as a gamer. I am someone who spends a lot of time playing Geometry Dash and I usually complete maps that are considerably difficult (depending on who you say it is), I love the difficulty of that game and I feel that the difficulty along with other factors that make it a unique game makes it even more enjoyable, but here's the thing; I would never enjoy a game like Dark Souls which while it is quite difficult according to many people, has a style of gameplay that is quite different/removed from what I would really enjoy being difficult.


Yeah, it all boils down to taste, like with most things. As I've gotten older, my taste varies depending on whether I've had a good meal/night's sleep or not. 🙃

And honestly, I'm not that big on From games either. They just made such great examples for this article. I am really stoked about Elden Ring though, since I feel From were destined to make this game. My expectations are: best open-world game. 😁😂


Entiendo tu punto de vista, y bueno es cierto que todo es cuestión de adaptarse, personalmente me gustan igual los juegos dificiles😌siento que mientras mas dificultad dura mas el juego 😂 bueno ademas de que se siente mas la frustración por lo difícil y eso hace sentir una sensación como de que sabemos que es un gran juego, bueno así pienso yo, pero aveces hay personas que simplemente es no y no, no les gustan los juegos difíciles pero ya es cuestión de la perspectiva de cada quien


I would never include From Software games to call them harcore games or something like that, they do have a difficulty, but it's more because of the barbaric damage the enemies do, for nothing else. They are excellent games, and DS 1 and Demon's Souls are among my favorite games, but I don't think they are the most difficult. Hardcore games for me would be for example Super Meatboy, Megaman, Ninja Gaiden and that kind of games you know, that require a lot of skill, because From Software games even though they are excellent at what they do, they have a system where you can spend it by farming, that is staying in an area and leveling up, and the difficulty depends a lot on that.


Yup, I agree with most of what you said. Point is, From's games (and Dark Souls in particular) have become the poster child for "difficult games". I didn't mention it in the article, but there was that entire campaign about Dark Souls getting an easy mode - which is beyond ridiculous. 😄


I guess it all boils down to giving things a try and not getting spooked by its difficulty, huh? 😆 Definitely agree that a game's value shouldn't be tied to its difficulty, games like Animal Crossing have shown me that I don't really give a flipping rat's ass when it comes to game difficulty. Also, I always pick Normal difficulty in most games these days even when they offer a Hard option. Gone are the days of trying to prove (to who anyway?) that I'm a hardcore gamer 🤣


Yeah, i remember when I used to tryhard single-player games. No time for that anymore dude. 😅


The hardest thing for people to realize about FromSoft or other difficult titles is that sometimes games simply aren't for you.

And that's totally fine, if someone finds Souls games to be too hard, then why do they keep complaining?
That's the problem, not everything needs to be accessible to everyone. Souls isn't supposed to have difficulty modes, it's supposed to give me a challenge.

Despite loving Dark Souls 2, that was my least favourite in the series because it felt unfair, but was still one hell of a ride.

Excited for Elden Ring.


Yup and this happens with everything. You don't like the things I like? Well, ef you then. Sports, cars, women. It's everywhere - not just games.

And yeah dude, I haven't been this excited about a game since I don't know how long. 😁


I think the big issue is
that some games just aren't made for some guys. 🤔



We don't have to like everything that is put out there. 🙂


The discussions about game difficulty rage quite hard from time to time depending on the game. I appreciate your post and your perspective.

Some games would benefit from a scaling option to toggle or un-toggle which will lock or unluck specific abilites of the AI depending on player success :-)


Thanks for reading man. 👊

Some games would benefit from a scaling option to toggle or un-toggle which will lock or unluck specific abilites of the AI depending on player success :-)

Yeah but some games would benefit from a lot of stuff. You don't have infinite money and time. Gotta pick your battles. 😅
