King and Queen Frankie Ravens NFTs


King and Queen Frankie Ravens NFTs

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Two new artworks just dropped on the OpenSea Frankie Ravens Collection! These feature more of Frankie walking down the great halls of the castle and then confronting the king and queen.

These artworks are titled

The Heroes Before
This is where Frankie is told more stories about the heroes that came before and the battles that took place. Looking up in awe Frankie listens in closely as the stories unfold of the man/creature in front of her.

King and Queen
This is the first time we get a glimpse into what or who is in control of this kingdom as she walks down the path. You can see behind them one of my favorite and most requested artworks hanging in the background behind them. It's actually a animated NFT right here on OpenSea.

These artworks have a single mint only on the Ethereum blockchain. If you'd like to read more about the Frankie ravens series you can get your own copy of this graphic novel on Amazon


Graphic Novel | Memoir | NFTShowRoom | OpenSea
