#Index4Index The hated kid outfaces the world



This is the fourth in the series of Japanese proverbs that make up the "Iroha Karuta" card deck.

The original Japanese goes like this:

"Nikumarekko yo ni habakaru."

This proberb can be directly translated like this:

Hated [Nikumare] child [ko] world [yo] in [ni] spread / gain influence [habakaru].

One English proverbial equivalent that coincides with the idea of "spreading" (or "growing") suggested by "habakaru" is:

Ill weeds grow apace

However, that is to censure the child rather too much because the original Japanese proverb does not comment on the virtue of the child, merely on his condition of being "hated" and his posture towards the world as a result.

My First Translation

Here's the digital index card I made for this proverb after I had attempted my first translation:


The Japanese proverb does not state whether it is one particular child or "hated children" in general, so I initially went with the plural to create a "general rule" about "hated children."

I also attempted to get a translation with a similar number of syllables and a hint of the sound quality of the original although the latter is much more difficult to achieve:

ni-ku-ma-re ko yo ni ha-ba-ka-ru (11)

Ha-ted kids pre-sent a bold face to the world (11)

Here is a "traditional Japanese" version of "presenting a bold face to the world" LOL!


This eccentric samurai (most likely a "ronin" - a roaming "masterless samurai") has an unconventional style of dress and seems to be attracting attention to himself by waving a broom over his head. Is it a witch's broom? Is he a harbinger of the "Halloween" craze that is sweeping Japan at the moment?

Once again we must turn to the cheap "Daiso" (dime-store) set of cards to get a better idea of what's going on with this proverb:


There goes the "hated child" showing a "bold face" to the world and giving a contemptuous "ahem" to the "hin hin" shock-horror of the excited ladies in the background!

It was only when I was creating a title for this blog post and dropped the consonant count that I found some inspiration. I think this is a much better attempt at a translation:

The hated kid outfaces the world.

Yeah! That's it!

The Business Application

If we apply the proverb to the business world, the "hated child" is the newcomer who does not conform to the old paradigm of how business is done.

The hated child is a disrupter who does not respect traditional business practices and is at first ignored, then laughed at, and then feared and hated because of his growing influence.

OR, the hated child is YOU when you gain enough traction in your business to attract some haters!

What will you do?

Melt like a snowflake that landed on a hotplate, or treat your haters like weights that toughen you up for the bigger challenges ahead, when you leave the haters in the dust?

Let us boldly go forth in the face of the world's despite.


David Hurley

Selfie posted on Liketu @ https://liketu.com/@hirohurl/the-hated-kid-outfaces-the-world


I'll definitely go with the latter, seeing haters as weights that toughen you up. You do need to have some guts in business and even in life, otherwise you'll just be push around and you keep backtracking.
