Bitcoin(BTC) Has The Qualities Of A Perfect Base Currency Than Any Traditional Fiat


Bitcoin is the perfect base currency, because there’s a finite amount of it… The Bitcoin that exists on the Earth is infinitely divisible, so it’s kind of the perfect currency – it has an intrinsic value and it gives people a way out says the democrat president running for the next US presidential election come 2024.

In a interview he refers to bitcoin as the perfect base currency in an interview, during one of he’s presidential campaigns which he says that there is a need there is a need for exit ramps which will allow Americans avoid the induced inflation by the central bank.

Denouncing that he’s not an investor yet but the bitcoin base layer is to be trusted And nobody can manipulate it. There’s no human being that can manipulate it. What happens with Bitcoin is very, very democratic. It’s all decided by all the miners in a democratic way and by algorithms that can’t be manipulated. Being not able to manipulate bitcoin is one of the uniqueness of the Bitcoin and blockchain technology.

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