Happy EId el Kabir To All Muslims Across The Globe: May The Blessings Of Allah Keep Your Heart And Home Happy And Joyous

Happy Eld-El-Kabir to our Muslim Members, Brothers, and Sisters_ Barika de Sallah @asyarfs #asabe4dfuture.jpegsource
Greetings to all Muslims Across the world. I am really happy with you today. I remembered last time we celebrated EId el Kabir with my friends, it was awesome and unforgettable memory to me.
EId el Kabir is one of the most important celebration for Muslims. It is a feast of sacrifice where Ibrahim willingly sacrifice his son Ishmael in obedience to Allah. God told Ibrahim to take his son and sacrifice him, without doubt Ibrahim took his son and obeyed Allah's command. When Ibrahim was about to sacrifice his son, there was angel called jibra'il appeared and provided a ram for Ibrahim. Ibrahim sacrificed the ram and returned with his son.
This is what we called, "prompt obedience" I want everyone to learn something here, both Christians and Muslims. We should not be carried away by the celebration but also think of the action of Ibrahim. My question is, if Allah tell you to do something, are you going to do it? Won't you doubt in your heart that is really Allah that speaks to me or something else?
I just imagine that if God tell you to sell the only house and car you have and drop the money to the mosque or church, won't you doubt in your heart? Will you really obey the Allah command? Won't you say, this is not Allah's voice.
Though, we enjoy with family and friends; give to a needy; attend Eld el prayer; go out with people and have fun. Yes, we celebrate Eld el Kabir, but we should also remember the sacrifice that Ibrahim paid. Therefore, we should walk in the step of Ibrahim, obey whatever Allah says to us, always complete your prayers in a day and read your Quran.
Last time, I was with my muslim friends, we went out together, eat and drink together. I just view this salah as a season of love, where you extent love to everyone especially those who needed the helping hand most. My friends will package food stuffs and money, give it to less privilege people, and old people.
Sometimes, I just wish this type of heart of kindness should not stop there. This is when I see old people praying for people that give. That is why, If there something I love, I love giving people. this is the reason I must become financial giant so that I can give to the needy. Though, you need to start from where you are, the more you give at your level, the more Allah gives you more.
Ram is very expressive now. Hence, it might be difficult for some people to buy one. If you don't have money to buy ram right now. Don't worry, Allah sees your heart that you really desired to celebrate this salah. He will use someone to bless you. As we celebrating this salah, let us focus on Allah and trust him.
I wish every muslim, "happy salah" I wish you more of it. Next year salah will be greater than this.
Happy!!! Eld el Kabir.

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