All Round Advancement is Part of Growth



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This topic in this edition is so broad in the sense that giving an in-depth study will take nothing less than 50,000 words. For the sake of good understanding, I will craft my niche. The world has gone through a lot of evolution ranging from the primitive era to this time well says the model age. The people of old had lots of things at their disposal and many more were still not in place.

In the era of our Father, I was told that to make fire they had to smash two stones together to use the spark from it. Meditating over how tough it was then to make fire, will make me appreciate more what I have. Those days fast passed and it came that people discovered how to make a match stick and then a lighter.

Then what saw so obtainable was the use of firewood for either general cooking or even occasional meals. Today we have gas cookers, hot plates, and even solar-generated stoves for making food. All these are so interesting.

Coming to the way information is being past that affects most of us, the spread of information is so easy now to compare with that day. In those days they mostly make use of the town crier. In this system, he will have to take a gong around the village to spread information and this may take him hours to achieve, but in this era, just seconds is enough to get a message across to the whole world as long as there are internet facilities there.

Well, those days and now do have their advantages and advantages alike which I will shade more light into it with 5 bullet points

Accesses to information

Job opportunity

Good food

Moral Standard

Money as a Medium of exchange

Accesses to information

During the days of our fathers, getting information was not so easy. Then a messenger has to carry j formation from one place to another and this may take him a long time to achieve, now it is so easy to achieve with the advent of mobile phones and internet facilities. This has made things to be easier to get to a wider range of people at a time. At the same time, the rate by which false information is past has increased drastically. But it does say you get across the wrong information. Now anyone can get up and cook up information and start spreading online. Because we are not so mindful of making findings we just take it down the way it came and this can be so bad. So many lost their lives because of the wrong message they got.

Job opportunity

We have got more job opportunities now than before. In those days what was so obtainable was learning about the trade. So when a child gets to a particular age he will be required to go learn some trade in the city. And the highest level of education was standard six. But today, we have greatly improved that an individual can have more than 4 degrees and a Ph.D. Also, we can comfortably work from any direction that we wish and get paid for it. Even the advent of the internet and crypto blogging made it much easier for all. Just for one to know how to read and write. It is not your educational qualification that will keep you in this space, it is your skills and sabificate.

Good food

This particular point is very dicey but I will swing in my direction. Access to go food has greatly declined in this time and age. In those days, our fathers believed so much in natural foods. The plants were really helpful as herbs and food for them. Now, we are no longer interested in eating what our fathers eat that kept them in good health, we feel they are old school. Then you don't easily hear of these random sicknesses because they know the things to eat to be in good health. They go a day without taking herbs. But now we feel they are old school and we now have the new school sicknesses everywhere. We eat more chemicalized food these days and that is seriously telling on our well-being today.

Personally am an advocate of natural food. Those that know me so well here will testify to that.

Moral Standard

The rate of moral decadence in our world today is so alarming. In my region, we have so much value and respect for our elders, and I was trained to respect my elders. I don't find it easy to call my elders by their names. But with the new breed that is gradually becoming a thing of the past. Sometimes I don't blame the younger generation because some parents caused that. Where a parent will not train the children to learn how to say the truth. A patient will be home and when a visitor comes he will tell them to say he is not at home. And many more will bring the moral standard of a society low.

Money as a Medium of exchange

Those days what was so obtainable was the bata system of trade. But now we have different currencies that are recognized by different countries. Now coming to the digital space, we have different digital currencies which help us to make transactions easily.

Those days, one cannot make transactions without the help of a third party, but now we can do a transaction without the help of anyone through the blockchain.

Well no matter how sweet and easy the past or yesterday maybe it is not possible for one to return there, it is just a forward movement. The era of our fathers is passed, if there is anything that is not working well it can only be amended. So this era is still preferred to the primitive era in most villages a vehicle moves out or into the community only on the market day, but now I can say good morning in Nigeria and good evening in another country. And that is the power of development.

My advice is just for us to use it only for positive things. Toll says that more advancements are yet to come.

Oooh, finally I am down with this piece, thank you so much for staying to the end. I will like to get your views on this topic today.

Do have a great day ahead. Stay positive.

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Yeah... There is so much difference. Sometimes when you look at the past, and compare it with the present, you can only fear for what the future will be like. Times change truly, and we have been seeing it unfold during our time.

Thank you for sharing this with us.


That's true, time change.

Well, lets hope for the best

Thanks for coming around


No argument!
We are fortunate to live in this time of extraordinary technological advances and great scientific developments. Not only because there are modern conveniences (for those who can enjoy them) that provide us with comfort, which is paid with job stability, which is remunerated according to the educational level achieved... There are also other aspects that provide welfare to the human being today, is the fact of many services offered by the internet: having the ability not only to communicate with the rest of the world and say "good afternoon" or "good morning", but even deeper, to say it in their own language, in the native language spoken and written by the other person and we do not even master it. I do not speak or write in English, nor in any other language; but even so, I have communicated with Italians, French, Russians, Arabs, even Chinese and Japanese. While respecting the culture of each geopolitical space.
Cultural diversity goes hand in hand with the five aspects you expose in this article, which demonstrates once again, that the best time is the present of each day, leaving the mistakes of the past in the past, correcting and building society in the present, to have a vitally safeguarded space for the life of the future that has not yet arrived....
Thank you @hivedeb for sharing your reflections with us.

Sin discución!
Somos afortunados por vivir en este tiempo de extraordinarios avances tecnológicos y grandes desarrollos cicentíficos. No solo porque existen las comodidades modernas (para quién las pueden disfrutar) que nos brindan el confort, que se paga con la estabilidad laboral, la cual es remunerada de acuerdo al nivel educativo alcanzado... Existe también otros aspectos que proporcionan bienestar al ser humano actual, es el hecho de muchos servicios que ofrece la internet: tener la habilidad no sólo de comunicarse con el resto del mundo y decirle "buenas tardes" o "buenos días", más profundo aún, decirlo en su propio idioma, en la legua nativa que habla y escribe la otra persona y nosotros ni lo dominamos. Yo no hablo ni escribo en Ingles, ni en ningún otro idioma; pero aún así, me he comunicado con italianos, franceses, rusos, arabes, hasta chinos y japoneses. Resguardando y respetando la cultura de cada espacio geopolítico.
La diversidad cultural va de la mano con los cinco aspectos que usted expone en este artículo, el cual demustra una vez más, que la mejor época es la presente de cada día, dejando los errores del pasado en el pasado, corrigiendo y construyendo la sociedad en el presente, para tener un espacio vitalmente resguardado para la vida del futuro que aún no llega...
Gracias @hivedeb por compartir tus reflexiones con nosotros


We have many things to be thankful even in the present days.

Thank you for contributing
