Ask Leo: What Are The Things To Avoid As A Crypto Trader?


There are some things that every crypto trader must avoid and no matter how strong the temptation comes, you just have to say no

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Make sure not to trade with your school fees: No matter how green the market may seem to be avoid the temptation of trading with your school fees, there are times the thought may arise but it is best to avoid being a victim because if the market goes against you you may find yourself in a serious mess. This may look like I'm serious but those that have failed victims before will understand so well this saying.

Never Trade With Your House Rent: I have said severally in my post that there are market manipulators and if because of greed may want to double their house rent before paying the landlord, this one is a very foolish decision. If your landlord comes knocking you will regret your actions in no time.

Don't Trade With Adache Money: In some places, they do daily saving and peradventure you are the holder, do your best not to fall into the trap of trading with such money.

Do not venture into trade with your medical bills: This one will make more sense to a family person. Worst of all if your wife is pregnant and a voice tells you to trade with her hospital bills, please do everything within your reach to rebuke that voice.

Don't Trade With Your Wedding Money: One of my pastor friends told us a story of what happened to him while he was preparing for the wedding. Another friend of his told him that there is a new business she wishes they invest in. He agreed and sent that money, but till today, the capital and the profit have gone. This may lead one to spend extra years gathering other money.

Spending is very easy but you will agree with me that gathering is not as easy as spending, so be wise his

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