LPUD is upon us - Monday the 15th of Aug, only 150 LEO needed this month - here is how I got ready


And the 15th of August is nearly upon us. It feels like it has come round quickly again. It'll be the 3rd LPUD. I cant believe it is only the 3rd, but what an effect it is having on my staked LPUD ! I now have 517, compared to 104, when this all started.

Thanks again to @leogrowth for organising such a great initiative. The big difference this month is that they have lowered the staking requirements to 150 LEO due to the stronger price of LEO (see here).

[A pic taken this week at Housesteads Roman Fort on Hadrian's Wall showing the raised floor of the granary to allow air flow to keep the grain in good condition]

I already have enough LEO for the 15th. I had been working on needing 200 LEO and made a 100 LEO purchase while the price was lowish, so I'm ahead of where I need to be.

The table below shows you how I've managed to save up for LPUD, including the previous ones, so that a comparison can be made between methods used.

LPUD saving Aug 22.png

Methods commentary:

  • I cant yet hit 200 LEO in the month without purchasing some from the market, but I can get around half way there. So I've still got work to do on that front, and comparatively, I did better while preparing for LPUD on the 15th of July mostly due to better payouts from posts on #leofinance,
  • Delegating HP to @leo.voter is the best non-purchase method I've had over the month. I've gained 54 LEO so far and should get another 9 or so by the 15th. I currently have 953 HP delegated, up 833 from last month - I'll keep increasing that when I can in order to grow that income,
  • My income from Leofinance posts and curation is down quite far at 12.477 LEO, compared to 53.769 last month - as said, my posts on #leofinance havent performed as well - so I'll need to up my game there,
  • I also bought 55 LBI to help with LEO income generation. So far its brought in 0.618 LEO, not huge, but every little helps,
  • The other items have brought in small beer in comparison - but they are still gains.

So in summary, I just need to keep focusing on HP delegation, posting and curation, and I should be able to generate 200 LEO each month quite soon without buying from the market. And my curation should get a boost each month as my stack of staked LEO grows.

I dont know whether the target will stay at 150 LEO, or return to 200, but I'll assume it will return to 200, so hence thats the monthly generation target I've got my sights set on.

Anyway, its a great opportunity, and I wish everyone luck with the giveaways - they are pretty epic, and I hope you land one !!!!

All the best from Scotland @hoosie

[A sea view through wild flowers taken on Lindisfarne Island of the coast of North East England yesterday]

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I want to make a short note, that my Bad Luck prize will be in place again, to encourage the most unlucky participats. This month, most likely, will be the last time it is available. Don't miss it.

Will I stop my support to #LPUD ?
Probably not.
But I will try to find a better, and different way of support.

Attend three LPUD events in a row (now Aug 15, Sept 15, Oct 15), get properly involved in LPUD minded posting (once per month as minimum), and you will be able to apply for "BAD LUCK" delegation prize, if all other prizes have somehow eluded you.
All initiall requirements remain the same, as in my original post, and in my JULY Update

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