Do you remember? From your beginning?



When was your first contact with the cryptographic world? Or when was the first time you heard about Bitcoin?

Yeah, I remember. I remember the first day I went to see the price of a BTC and it was absolutely worthless. I had a computer, I worked with computers at that time and it was "easy" to get it if I wanted. Obviously I didn't... Hahaha if not today maybe I wouldn't even be here I think xD

Well, time passed and when the BTC cost close to its 300 dollars I thought about buying it. That's when I started researching more about investing. I did? Not...

I only entered this world in 2018 with an invitation from @thomashnblum about a social network that paid in cryptocurrencies. Back then I just made posts and nothing else. I even created a Binance account that I never got to move, buy or anything like that.

Only this year, in March, when I came back and saw how much I lost by being away all this time, I started to "invest" for real. I still had some values ​​saved from the Steemit days and the entire value of HF was still in my HIVE wallet. I took advantage and bought some cryptocurrencies that I would like.

So I started focusing here on HIVE, on the LEO community at the beginning until POB came along. But POB at the beginning I was still trying to understand the idea of ​​tokens and I just liked the fact that they were subjects that I could easily write... I should have bought and invested more when the token cost only 0.05c...

Since then today I try to be smart about everything that is happening and showing up. And I keep and create my "savings" of tokens in my wallet and LeoDex, buying and selling as the market reacts. Because I remember what it was like before and everything that happened after, but I still don't know what it will be like going forward, but I know that at one time or another something will appreciate again that I have explored, bought and saved and this time I will be there ready. at least i think xD

Regardless, the fact that we are here today, living this is a unique opportunity. POB still gives great rewards, but each time the value of your posts decreases. It's still a great time for you to get and get as much as you can and put it on STAKE. Do not forget it. Afterwards, it may be too late.

A good week!



Você se lembra? Do seu começo?

Quando foi o seu primeiro contato com o mundo criptográfico? Ou quando foi a primeira vez que ouviu falar a respeito de Bitcoin?

É, eu lembro. Lembro do primeiro dia que fui ver o preço de um BTC e não valia absolutamente nada. Eu tinha computador, trabalhava com informática naquela época e era "fácil" obter se eu quisesse. Obviamente eu não fiz... Hahaha se não hoje talvez eu nem estaria aqui eu acho xD

Bem, o tempo passou e quando o BTC custava perto dos seus 300 dólares eu pensei em comprar. Foi quando eu comecei a pesquisar mais sobre investimento. Eu fiz? Não...

Só fui entrar de vez para esse mundo em 2018 com um convite do @thomashnblum a respeito de uma rede social que pagava em criptomoedas. Naquela época eu apenas fazia posts e mais nada. Até criei uma conta na Binance que eu nunca cheguei a movimentar, comprar ou qualquer coisa do tipo.

Somente esse ano, em março quando eu voltei e vi o quanto eu perdi por ter ficado todo esse tempo fora eu comecei a "investir" de verdade. Eu ainda tinha alguns valores guardados da época do Steemit e todo o valor do HF estava na minha carteira da HIVE ainda. Aproveitei e comprei algumas criptomoedas que eu gostaria.

Então comecei a focar aqui na HIVE, na comunidade LEO no início até surgir o POB. Mas o POB no início eu ainda estava tentando entender a ideia dos tokens e apenas gostei do fato de ser assuntos que eu tinha facilidade para escrever... Eu deveria ter comprado e investido mais quando o token custava apenas 0,05c...

Desde então hoje eu teno ficar esperto com tudo que está acontecendo e aparecendo. E vou mantendo e criando minhas "poupanças" de tokens na carteira e na LeoDex comprando e vendendo conforme o mercado reage. Pois eu lembro como era antes e tudo que aconteceu depois, mas eu ainda não sei como será daqui para frente, porém eu sei que uma hora ou outra novamente alguma coisa vai valorizar das quais eu tenho explorado, comprado e guardado e dessa vez eu estarei lá pronto. Pelo menos eu acho xD

Independente de tudo, o fato de estarmos aqui hoje, vivendo isso é uma oportunidade única. POB ainda da grandes recompensas, mas a cada tempo vai diminuindo o valor em suas postagens. Ainda é um ótimo momento para você conseguir e obter o máximo que puder e colocar em STAKE. Não esqueça disso. Pois lá na frente poderá ser tarde demais.

Uma boa semana!


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Many authors leave this community because of the price. They do not see that the low price is an opportunity to pile up wealth. POB is an opportunity that someday I will harvest and earn huge reward from the value.


Today I have exactly the same vision of yours.

We're growing together to something we don't even know yet, but we'll know we'll be better ;)


Hell Yeah! I remember it was in 2014 I bought 5 BTC somewhere around 200$ and Then Sold them quickly near $250. How foolish of me but back then I didn't had much knowledge nor I was having patience and investment knowledge. But gladly I found POB and I am not going to repeat the same mistake again. I Have full confidence and belief in POB and this is definitely the best Investment opportunity right now. Stake and Stake, or regret later. Have a good day friend. 😊🙏

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This was really painful later on, but it was necessary to learn.

I have an acquaintance of online games... He used to live in the "roça" a very simple person who also bought 5 btc for 800 reais (the value of my currency, in dollars you have to divide by 5) and sold when that first high in 2017 for 20 thousand dollars.

But he didn't even remember he had it, he wasn't even sure what he had bought at the time. However, he changed his life, and went to live in the Netherlands, bought an apartment and everything hahaha
