What is the principle of all wisdom? 🤔 // Cuál es el principio de toda sabiduría?[ENG/ESP]



To know things is for scholars, but to know oneself is for wise men! //Conocer las cosas es de eruditos pero conocerse a sĂ­ mismo es de sabios!..

" You told me you study... I congratulate you...! I congratulate you because you learn every day.... Because there is not a day in which you do not increase your knowledge...! Keep on studying... until the last day of your life... However, never forget that TO KNOW THINGS is for scholars, but TO KNOW YOURSELF... is for sages!..." Quote of the day, anonymous author

" Me dijiste que estudias... Te felicito...! Te felicito porque aprendes a diario... Porque no hay dĂ­a en que no aumentas tu caudal de conocimientos... Sigue estudiando... hasta el Ăşltimo dĂ­a de tu vida... Sin embargo, no olvides nunca que CONOCER LAS COSAS es de eruditos, pero CONOCERSE A SĂŤ MISMO ... es de sabios! .." Frase del dĂ­a, autor anĂłnimo.


The real power lies in having self-mastery, in being able to really live as we are and wish to be, to know our qualities and defects for a better personal development!

El verdadero poder está en tener autodominio, en poder vivir realmente como somos y deseamos ser, conocer nuestras cualidades y defectos para un mejor desarrollo personal!


The images were taken and edited at Canva // Las imágenes fueron tomadas y editadas en Canva



A very wise quote here. I totally agree with you. You lack wisdom if you fail to know yourself truly.

Knowing yourself is not all about knowing your name and your nationality. But it entails knowing everything about yourself, your strength, your weakness, your do's, your dont's, your capability and the list goes on and on...

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