⭐️ Rising Star - Did 4 custom drum missions. Opened two card packs and progress updates

Hello and welcome to all the readers.

A good progress in the risingstar world.
Being doing mix missions across various zones, which includes special promote fan club mission.

4 more days left in the month of July, i am on track on most of the tasks, except for player rank which is gone completely the other way. I think i still haven't got the grasp on how it works.

Currently, doing a production lesson, lasts for an hour.

Game progress:

Today, first i did my millionaire mission and then did 3 drum fair missions. Generally, i do production fair missions, but today i did not pay attention and ended up doing drum fair missions. It ok though, a bit of change.

Did not find any gold parts. But i found 2 silvercymbals and 1 blackrims and 1 chromestands

Drum Fair:


Production Fair:


Card Opening:

Also opened 2 card packs.

Card Pack 1:


95 Raj - 10 fans, 5 skill
i86 Blue Mist Acoustic - 5 luck
R196 Star Visionary - 50 luck [rare]

A mix pack. 3 duplicate cards added to the collection.

Card Pack 2:


95 Raj - 10 fans, 5 skill
95 Raj - 10 fans, 5 skill
R203 Sandy - 150 fans, 125 skill, 4 luck [rare]

A double Raj pack. 3 duplicate cards added to the collection.

Overall, added 6 duplicate cards.

July Goals:

TaskGoalCurrent StatusBalance
Level1111102171 XP to next level
Music Promoter500003300017000
Custom shop missions25241
*Promote Fan club missions20119
Ego< 10%0%
Ranking< 200243

Need approx 4825 starbits per day to reach the starbits related goals
[includes the starbits needed for custom shop missions and music promoter goals]

Game Stats:


Skills - 39827 from cards, 38439 from lessons
Fans - 50669 from cards, temporary 306
Luck - 10183
Cards - 1143

Ego from fans - 50975 (306 temporary drunk fans)
Ego from missions - 19883
Total - 70858

Starbits doing Millionaire missions - 0

Players Ranking:


Rare cards for Sale:

The following rare cards are up for sale.

CardSale Price
R149 Frederico8988 Starbits
R167 Diana8998 Starbits SOLD
R179 Tiki the Rapper7198 Starbits SOLD
R194 EncryptId7825 Starbits SOLD
R128 Luthien2.9 Swap.Hive
R147 Leon3.99 Swap.Hive
R158 Goose3.5 Swap.Hive
R188 Nytehawker3.15 Swap.Hive
R206 Rick1 Starpro
R186 Ivan2.5 Swap.Hive

Anyone interested in buying cards for CTP tokens?

Thank you for reading my post.

Have a nice day.


Previous post - https://peakd.com/hive-195370/@imfarhad/rising-star-spent-6000-starbits-in-music-promotion-opened-two-card-packs-rare-cards-for-sale-and-progress-updates
