If You Like Apples, Eat Apples.

If your body craves apples, feed it apples! If your body craves chips and chocolate, fried dough and lard... start asking it questions. The first question is: Is this something my body needs? We all have different ph levels and such, perhaps you DO need that sugar!


If you established that your body is craving something that is hurting it in the long run, ask it questions. What can I do to stop craving you? What energy can I fill myself with, so I am too full for this vice? When did this unhealthy craving start? How far back does it go? Take it as far back as you can and delete it from your reality.

Sometimes, your body, NEEDS the extra calories, or sugar, or protein, indulge on those days. Sometimes, your body needs you to pay close attention to what you are doing. Pay attention on those days.

My Name is Diamond Light

