Enthusiasm - Something that can be learned [ESP/ENG]

Pixabay By geralt

We have all come across an enthusiastic person, one of those that when we approach them seem to have a lot of energy and be willing to do a lot, when dealing with these people it is practically impossible not to be infected by their enthusiasm and suddenly we also have the energy and willingness to do something, even if we are tired. Really, enthusiasm in a person can give you super powers.

A couple of years ago, I met a couple Simon and Maria, they moved to Puerto Ayacucho, Amazonas, but they had lived all their lives in the city of Valencia. At first glance I thought it would be very difficult for them to adapt to Amazonas and its difficulties, even I sometimes find things a little difficult and I grew up in this area. But unlike what I thought, this couple adapted very quickly, made friends, got to know the territory well and a few days later, they were back and forth doing their things.

Todos alguna vez nos hemos topado con una persona entusiasta, de esas que al acercarnos parecen tener mucha energía y estar dispuestas a hacer mucho, al tratar con estas personas es prácticamente imposible no contagiarnos de su entusiasmo y de pronto nosotros también tenemos las energías y la disposición para hacer algo, incluso aunque estemos cansados. De verdad que el entusiasmo en una persona puede darle super poderes.

Hace un par de años, conocí a un matrimonio Simón y María, ellos se mudaron a Puerto Ayacucho, Amazonas, pero habían vivido toda su vida en La ciudad de Valencia. A simple vista pensé que sería muy difícil para ellos adaptarse a Amazonas y sus dificultades, incluso a mi a veces se me complica an un poco las cosas y crecí en esta zona. Pero a diferencia de lo que pensaba, este matrimonio se adaptó muy rápido, hicieron amigos, conocieron bien el territorio y pocos días después, andaban de allá para acá haciendo sus cosas.

Pexels By SnapwireSnaps

Every time I saw this couple I was more surprised, they were only a few months old and they already knew about places that I did not know. But there was something that characterized both Simon and Maria, they were one of those people I mentioned at the beginning, very enthusiastic people, so whenever I met them they always had a smile on their face and joyfully told me what they were going to do or even invited me to do something with them, how to say no? Their enthusiasm was very contagious and being with them, it was nice to fulfill my activities.

This couple was a very good example for many people, it was also for me, Simon and Maria had health problems and they were also far from their family, maybe seeing them always happy and ready for everything one would not think that they had problems, but they did and in spite of that they kept this good attitude, when I knew about the problems they had and the difficulties they were going through I could not believe it, but I learned from them that even in the worst moments we can have an enthusiastic attitude.

Cada vez que veía a este matrimonio me sorprendía más, solo tenían unos pocos meses y ya sabían de lugares que yo desconocía. Pero había algo que caracterizaba tanto a Simón como a María, eran de esas personas que mencioné al principio, personas muy entusiastas, por eso siempre que me encontraba con ellos tenían una sonrisa en su rostro y con alegría me contaban lo que iban a hacer o incluso me invitaban a hacer algo con ellos ¿Cómo decirles que no? Su entusiasmos era muy contagioso y al estar con ellos, era agradable cumplir con mis actividades.

Este matrimonio fue un muy buen ejemplo para muchas personas, también lo fue para mí, Simón y María tenían problemas de salud y también estaban lejos de su familia, quizás al verlos siempre contentos y dispuestos a todo uno no pensaría que tuvieran problemas, pero si lo hacían y pese a ello mantenían esta buena actitud, cuando supe de los problemas que tenían y las dificultades por las que pasaban no lo podía creer, pero aprendí de ellos que incluso en los peores momentos podemos tener una actitud entusiasta.

Pexels by sasint

It is easy to get excited about the things we like, for example I feel very animated and energetic when I have the opportunity to learn something new or to take apart for the first time an electronic device to see how it is put together, but when it comes to doing things not so pleasant for me, the enthusiasm can disappear completely and when this happens, even fulfilling a small responsibility seems to become the most difficult task in the world.

That's when I think of my friends Simon and Mary who even though they moved to another area, I remember them doing even the most tedious task with enthusiasm and joy. Having this attitude will make life lighter, we will enjoy even the smallest thing and we will not lack the motivation to fulfill our responsibilities.

Es sencillo entusiasmarnos por las cosas que nos gustan, por ejemplo yo me siento muy animado y enérgico cuando tengo la oportunidad de aprender algo nuevo o de desarmar por primera vez un aparato electrónico para ver como se compone, pero cuando se trata de hacer cosas no tan agradables para mí, el entusiasmo puede desaparecer por completo y cuando esto ocurre, hasta cumplir con una responsabilidad pequeña, parece convertirse en la tarea más difícil del mundo.

Es entonces cuando pienso en mis amigos Simón y María que aunque se mudaron a otra zona, los recuerdo haciendo hasta la tarea más tediosa con entusiasmo y alegría. Tener esta actitud hará que la vida sea más ligera, que disfrutemos hasta de lo más mínimo y que la motivación no nos falte para cumplir con nuestras responsabilidades.

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Enthusiasm is contagious, as is optimism.
We need to hang out with people who are enthusiastic about life, enthusiastic about what they do, what they have, and who they are.
These are the ones who color our day, and being with them colors our soul!


I read this comment by chance, your words are beautiful. Lately, I too have been trying to surround myself with people with energy. I no longer like being around people who instead take away energy


It is definitely great to be around people like Simon and Maria. I will totally agree with you that enthusiasm is contagious.

I happened to live with a friend who was very enthusiastic about life and everything else. In no time, I was slowly adopting her ways of doing thing and that helped me greatly.✨
