3 Things to Consider About 1 Coin.

We all have it....png
Created In: CANVA

I recently came across a quote that caught my attention.

Referring to a "coin", the quote immediately made me think of the blockchain with all the various tokens we find here.

I think the reason why it really caught my attention is that we can apply it on this platform in more ways than one.

The quote is that of Carl Sandberg, and it says:

Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest other people spend it for you. ~ Carl Sandberg

Yes, it's the coin of your life. And that coin is TIME.

1) The Coin of Your Life

The fact that "time" can be associated with a "coin" was striking to me. It had an extra impact seeing that we deal with so many "coins" on this platform.

Although we refer to many of them as "tokens", they all have a monetary value. To top that, cryptocurrencies started with Bitcoin...so often when we refer to these tokens, the image of a coin comes to mind...well, for me in any case...

So this quote immediately drew my attention and got me thinking about the HIVE blockchain.

There are so many various tokens (coins) we can use...so many projects we can take part in. Yet, the use-case of that token (coin), can only be determined by the person who created that token.

But there is one coin, that only you can determine how it will be spent. That "coin" is to be spent on the blockchain as well as off of the blockchain. But it will be spent.

And that coin is the coin of your life...your time.

2) Your Coin Will Be Spent.

Yes, your coin (time), will be spent.

It is not a question of if it will be spent. The only question is how it will be spent. And only you can determine that.

You can go through life and at the end of it wonder what you have done with your time. How often do we look back and say "what happened to my time? Where did it go?"

There is only one person who can determine how it will be spent, and that is you.

If you don't make a conscious effort to plan your time, chances are good that you will end up wondering what happened to your time.

"Yes, but I constantly get interrupted by other people. What is the sense in planning my time then?", you may ask.

That is a valid question. You might not like the answer, but it's simple... We allow it.

Yes, we allow it, because we don't want to be rude.

It is a problem, I know. I was recently having a conversation with my nephew's wife when we had this same conversation.

We spoke about how one of the big problems with working from home is the fact that other people don't respect your time. They seem to think that while you are at home, they can just rock up there at any time and for no apparent reason...I mean..."you are at home. What seems to be the problem?"

But they don't consider the fact that, even though you are at home, you are busy working. Your home is your office now!

The only answer to that is that we have to take control. And we don't have to be rude in order to do that.

I remember many years ago, I knew a german businessman who was starting his business in Johannesburg. He had plans of expanding to Cape town as well.

But the way this man managed his time, is something I'll never forget!

If someone wanted to see him, he would check his schedule and tell you when he would be available. He would also immediately be able to tell you exactly how much time he can spend with you.

So, let's say you agreed to spend 30 minutes with him, but you arrive 10 minutes late... He would very politely inform you that you now could only have 20 minutes with him, seeing that he has other commitments after that.

And when your time is up, once again, very politely, he would ask you to please excuse him as he has to attend to other matters.

He was always calm and relaxed and he just seemed to be in control of everything!

And in the way he handled it, nobody could feel offended, because he was never rude to anybody.

So, having witnessed that firsthand, I know it can be done.

If we don't take control of our own time, someone else will. People will either interrupt your time, or they will try to get you to use your time to benefit them by telling you what to do and what not to do.

At the end of the day, it is your decision how your time will be spent.

Planning your time is like having a budget for spending your time in the same way as you would have a budget for your financial income and expenses.

3) Respect Other People's Time.

Yes, what goes for the goose, goes for the gander.

If we expect other people to respect our time, so should we also respect their time.

Would you just walk up to someone and remove $10.00 from their wallet without their permission?

No, I didn't think so. Even if we know that person, it would be rude. If we don't know him, it is downright theft. Do you agree?

So, why do we think that we can just walk up to someone and take up 10 minutes of his time without asking if it would be convenient for that person?

Not asking if it is convenient for the other party, is putting that person "on the spot". If they really just don't have the time to talk now, you force them to tell you so. So, who would be the rude one?


Time is the coin of your life. It's your coin and only you can determine how it will be spent. And it will be spent!

Are you going to spend it? Or will you allow other people to spend it for you?

Can you.png
Source: CANVA

Are you in control of how your time gets spent? Or does it feel as if you just have to accept whatever comes your way?

Let's talk about it in the comment section below.

Thank you for reading my post and I am looking forward to hearing from you.


These days I don't feel like I am in control of how my time is spent, it just moves really fast and I can hardly do all the things I want to.

I enjoyed reading this.
Found your post via @dreemport


Yes, life is very fast-paced. I totally get how you feel. And I know it's easier than said, but we just have to take control.

I have been put to the test myself today and I had to apply what I wrote about in my own post. I had someone today who phoned me and just wanted to make conversation because he had nothing else to do... I, on the other hand, didn't have the time, as I was really busy.

I gave it some time in order not to be rude. But when I saw where it was heading, I politely asked to be excused and explain that I had work to do and only had limited time available to complete it.

Yes, at first I felt awkward because it's someone I know really well. But it went off well and the other person wasn't offended.

I'm glad you enjoyed reading my post and I really hope you can take back control over your time.

Maybe write something down (let your mind go) and think about things you can do (or stop doing) that can save you some time, and see what you can up with. It's often easier when you write it down and you have something physical to look at...

I know it can be hard, but the time comes when we just have to take control...

And thank you to @dreemport for sending you here!


I would take the tip to write down and think of ways I can't save time, thank you.

I really need the control.


What a great post, yes time is like a coin and we must control how we spent it not let others control it and thats not always easy to do but it is something we must all work on.
Sure we have to fit others into our life and set priorities for how we spend time while respecting others, we must ask them to respect our wishes

I found my way to you post via #Dreemport


Thank you for the kind words.

Yes, it is so true what you say. Respect is a mutual thing and it has to come from both sides...

Thank you for stopping by and giving your input on my post.

And thank you to @dreemport for sending you here!


I like to believe I'm in control of how my time is spent. Time is money and we can't waste it. Once it's gone, we can't get it back ever again. I found this amazing post via @dreemport and I really enjoyed reading through.


Once it's gone, we can't get it back ever again.

That is so true what you say there.

I'm glad you enjoyed reading my post. Thank you for giving your input on my post as well.

And thank you to @dreemport for sending you here.


Brilliant bro, i use to feel like i had to just accept what came my way but that is changing daily, been taking more control back.


I'm so glad to hear you are taking control back! That's awesome!

Thanks for sharing that with us. A statement like that means a lot to me!

Have a great day!


This is so beautifully written... Time is very essential if we truly want to succeed. Sadly, I can't really say am in control of my time because most times I just accept whatever comes my way. I am working towards taking control of my time though.. I think this post of yours is a motivation to me.. Thanks for sharing.

@dreemport directed me to your post


I'm glad if my post could motivate you to take control of your time!

Thank you for your kind words and for giving your input on my post.

And a big thank you to @dreemport for sending you here!


Time is important to humanity. We need to maintain time and stop procrastinating because it will carry all your time away.

People's time is more Paramount and must be surely respected to the brim.

Make a very good use of your time...



Very true.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post and for leaving your comment!

And thank you to @dreemport for sending you here!


"If we expect other people to respect our time, so should we also respect their time."A good post @jacoalberts. This quote stood out for me. Yes, we all need to focus on managing our own time, but we must appreciate that others have their own time to manage too and with that must come mutual respect. A very important point was made. If we don't give consideration to the time of others then instead of wasting our own time, we end up wasting theirs and there is still a net loss of time for humanity. I came to your post via @dreemport


Absolutely true! Mutual respect is key. You couldn't have said it better.

Thank you for stopping by and for your giving your input, @samsmith1971. I really do appreciate it!

And a big thank you to @dreemport for sending you here!
