How to Stop Worrying


Photo by Nik Shuliahin on Unsplash

Today's post is actually quite simple and straight to the point.

It's one of those topics that is so simple, yet not so easy to do. It's about our stress levels and how to get them down...or at least more under control.

It's one of those things that is easy to tell other people to stop doing, yet it's not so easy to put your money where your mouth is when it comes to yourself...

I don't think there is one of us who can say in all honesty that we've never been under stress or that we have never worried about something.

But, let's get right into it by starting with a quote from Santideva.

If the problem can be solved, why worry?
If the problem cannot be solved worrying will do you no good. ~ Santideva

So there you have it. Worrying really serves no purpose.

Over the years we've heard many people complaining about their stress levels being high due to a lack of time and too many things to do.

Yet, over the past year or so, people were complaining about their stress levels being so high because they don't have anything to do and they don't know what to do with all the time on their hands...

So, it's easy to tell someone else to stop worrying...but how?

Well, first of all, we have to make a conscious decision. Make an evaluation of the situation and instead of worrying about it, start looking for solutions. How can we solve the problem? If we cannot solve the problem, is there any way to avoid or bypass the problem?

While you are thinking about a solution, whether it is to solve or to bypass the problem, focus on the process of finding the solution.

It has been scientifically proven that your mind cannot think two thoughts simultaneously. So, you will either be thinking about the problem (or threat) or you'll be thinking about the solution. Guess which one is less stressful? You've got it...thinking about the solution.

If the problem can be solved (this is also where goalsetting comes in), go ahead and fix it.

If it cannot be solved, make peace with the fact that it cannot be fixed and stop wasting your energy worrying about it.

Worrying about something you cannot fix or something you cannot change, will drain your energy and it can even cause harm to your health.

Sometimes we face situations we can do nothing about and we can't walk away from it either.

Sorry to say, but everything in life is not always a bed of roses. Everything is not always just "nice" or fun to deal with. Yet, we have to deal with it.

Another thing to consider is to stop procrastinating. We tend to start procrastinating when we face things that either scare us or intimidate us or we plainly just don't like dealing with them.

The longer we procrastinate, the longer we are exposed to worry and stress.

I personally try to live by the motto of... When you find yourself in a situation that you don't like, think about what you can do to change it. Then think about the consequences of what you want to do. If it will be positive/constructive, then do it. Don't just stand there and build up steam until you want to explode. If there is nothing you can do or the consequences of what you would like to do, are negative, turn around and walk away. Leave it behind you and think of it no more.

In other words, think of it in a practical way and see it for what it is, and then:

  • Decide whether you have to deal with it as it is and just do it and get over and done with.
  • If you can do something about it, do it.
  • Otherwise, turn around and walk away.

Thinking about an obstacle, a challenge, or a problem, becomes an emotional experience if you don't deal with it. So basically you need to take the emotion out of it.

Note: I am not referring here to life-threatening situations or things such as health problems that you have no control over. Those are in my opinion more concerns than just worries though.

And in the case of security and safety, you can also take action by taking precautionary measures to the best of your ability. And once those are in place, you can relax and go your way. Being worried is not going to add to your security in any way. You might as well relax and enjoy life!

And that's it. Stop worrying! Another thing that has been proved is that about 80% of things we worry about, don't even happen to us.

I hope this was helpful.

Thank you for reading my post, I do appreciate it.
