Your 2 Biggest Enemies in any Business

The Unknown....png
Photo by Noah Grossenbacher on Unsplash

Starting a new business is no joke. Whether it's a brick-and-mortar business or an online business, there is a lot of research and careful planning that needs to go into it.

It doesn't even have to be a business where you provide a service or a product... Maybe you want to become a writer or a blogger and earn a living by creating content, you will still need to do your research and planning.

Another important aspect to remember is that no business can survive without (1)capital and (2)cash flow.

Even if you want to start working here on the Hive blockchain, cash flow and capital should still be taken into consideration.

Don't be fooled by the idea that "you can earn just by being active" and think you are going to make a living within the first month.

You will still have to invest either time or money or even both.

Seeing that we are here on the blockchain, let's focus on building here on the blockchain.

The Advantage Of Working On The Blockchain.

The advantage of working on the blockchain is the fact that you can immediately start creating income.

However small that income might be, but you can start creating income right from the word go.

But will it be enough to at least start covering your expenses (whatever you might consider your expenses to be) within a month or two?

The answer is: No.

How long will it take to at least cover some expenses or even make a living from your work here on the blockchain?

The answer is: I don't know.

The fact is, nobody would be able to give you the exact answer to that question. It will also differ from person to person as each individual has different needs.

But, this takes us to the two biggest enemies you can have in any business:

Your biggest enemy is the unknown and assumptions. ~ L.T.G. Christianson

First of all, you cannot just assume that any business will just take off and least not from the word go!

Through careful research and planning, you might be able to make an estimation of how long it might take you to reach various milestones, such as showing a profit or covering certain expenses. But you cannot just assume anything.

So, these are the 2 enemies you have to deal with:

  • The Unknown: You will constantly have to deal with the unknown.
  • Assumptions: You cannot make any assumptions.

Beating These 2 Enemies.

Photo by Katie Drazdauskaite on Unsplash

The answer to beating these two enemies, the unknown and assumptions, is simple, yet not easy.

You can be sure to expect the following:

  1. It will take effort.
  2. It will be a never-ending journey.

Whatever it is you want to do, you will have to start by doing research, which is followed by careful planning.

This will then be followed by...more research and careful planning...

First, do your research about what your customer (or reader wants) and then try to provide it as well as you possibly could.

But here the second enemy comes into play again.

It doesn't matter how well you have prepared yourself/your product/your content, you cannot assume it's going to be a hit.

In my own short journey here on the blockchain, I've seen it happen several times.

I would do my research and create some content to the best of my ability. I would be convinced that I will get some good responses as I see this as of one the best posts I've ever come up with (and on what I think is a popular topic).

And the results...sometimes barely anything...

Do you think that's nice? No way!! That is when you start wondering if it's worth all the effort...(if your focus is on only one post).

Yet, tomorrow I'll try again. Maybe I'll even battle to come up with some good content in my opinion. But I push on and I publish.

And guess what? It's a hit! I get positive feedback and interaction like I never expected.


  1. Make peace with the idea that the unknown will be ever-present.
  2. Never assume that you know what the results will be until you have the facts.

This leads to the fact that you will always be learning.

Keep learning about new trends. Keep learning about what your audience wants to read about or what your customer needs.

The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as long as we live. ~ Mortimer Adler

Also, guard against getting either over-excited or demotivated by the results of one post. Take your eyes off of the "scoreboard" and just keep working.

You might experience a bad day, but for all you know, the next day might be a great one.

You might even experience a bad week in comparison to other weeks... But look at the general trend. Are you showing growth when measured over time?

And lastly, try not to get your emotions involved, because you'll be in for a roller-coaster ride.

Thank you for reading my post.
