
I ve never been the sort that is concerned too much about fashion and clothes, I m good with wearing whatever was suitable and whatever was acceptable beyond just work probably, to a party or to church as long as it is comfortable for me and it was suitable for the occasion.

Going to med-school was a different terrain where you re expected to always wear a shirt and tie,with trouser and then have your ward coat and all of that and then everyone just walks around like white ghosts. Well if that was the price I had to pay to be a doctor wasn't much for me because I was really good for the game. Hi there what I did not know was that that wasn't always the way of dressing for every Doctor everywhere I'm sure most of my readers to do not know that.

The whole game changed after the covid began, Sadly one good thing I will probably ascribe to the pandemic, it was no longer compulsory to wear a tie and this was because having a tie thought around places could further help spread diseases amongst patients and especially amongst children.

At that point I then began to ask myself why do we even have to wear ties. first we find ourselves in the tropics I believe that ties originated from the places where the code would not allow them but to have something cover their neck. but here in the sheet that we have to use air conditioners even in the daytime I still put on ties. Imagine a doctor, with so much work to do having his tie on and sweating.

this was a proper way would rather go with outside in order to avoid contracting and spreading diseases especially the covid 19 virus.

I was really glad we don't have to bother that next any longer all my collections of Tai from that moment became unnecessary. It felt free to just walk into the woods without the tie. It also felt strange but I don't really know why.

we had accustomed ourselves to the British way of dressing so much so that when we try to change that because of the circumstances we face the religious part of our minds begins to judge us to be doing wrong.

For some reasons I don't really see the need to wear ties anymore, not to work definitely, except probably for some formal occasions where the scrub is not allowed. I even find it funny wearing it to church.

-- Thanks for Reading
You can check on my previous series of Doctor rants posts here --


Nunca he sido del tipo que se preocupa demasiado por la moda y la ropa, me gusta usar lo que sea adecuado y lo que sea aceptable más allá del trabajo, probablemente, para una fiesta o para ir a la iglesia, siempre que sea cómodo para mí y fuera adecuado para la ocasión.

Ir a la escuela de medicina era un terreno diferente en el que se esperaba que siempre usaras camisa y corbata, con pantalones y luego tu bata de guardia y todo eso y luego todos caminaran como fantasmas blancos. Bueno, si ese era el precio que tenía que pagar para ser médico, no era mucho para mí porque era realmente bueno para el juego. Hola, lo que no sabía era que esa no siempre fue la forma de vestir de todos los médicos en todas partes. Estoy seguro de que la mayoría de mis lectores no lo saben.

Todo cambió después de que comenzó el covid. Lamentablemente, una cosa buena que probablemente atribuiré a la pandemia, ya no era obligatorio usar corbata y esto se debió a que tener una corbata pensada en los lugares podría ayudar a propagar enfermedades entre los pacientes y especialmente entre niños.

En ese momento comencé a preguntarme por qué tenemos que usar corbatas. primero nos encontramos en los trópicos. Creo que los lazos se originaron en los lugares donde el código no les permitía sino tener algo que les cubriera el cuello. pero aquí en la hoja que tenemos que usar acondicionadores de aire incluso durante el día todavía me pongo corbatas. Imagínense un médico, con tanto trabajo por hacer, con la corbata puesta y sudando.

esta era una forma adecuada de ir al exterior para evitar contraer y propagar enfermedades, especialmente el virus covid 19.

Estaba muy contento de que no tuviéramos que molestarnos más porque todas mis colecciones de Tai desde ese momento se volvieron innecesarias. Se sentía libre de caminar por el bosque sin la corbata. También se sentía extraño, pero realmente no sé por qué.

nos habíamos acostumbrado tanto a la forma británica de vestir que cuando tratamos de cambiar eso debido a las circunstancias que enfrentamos, la parte religiosa de nuestras mentes comienza a juzgar que estamos actuando mal.

Por algunas razones, ya no veo la necesidad de usar corbatas, definitivamente no para trabajar, excepto probablemente en algunas ocasiones formales en las que no se permite el lavado. Incluso me resulta divertido llevarlo a la iglesia.

-- Gracias por leer
Puede consultar mi serie anterior de publicaciones de despotricaciones de Doctor aquí --


There are certainly things that we do out of tradition that may seem odd to others, or odd to ourselves despite not questioning it for a while until one day we do question it, and we think of the purpose of doing it in the first place.

I think with physicians and dressing up, I think it's a little bit of a way to highlight the prestige of becoming a physician. It's not glamorous but it's an important job nonetheless.


Yeah . But when it comes to the real work, we really don't mind what we are wearing, neither will the patient, would you rather someone wearing a tie see you or someone who can treat you properly?

I know a lot will go for both, but wondering why is quite interesting.. hehe.


Imagine a doctor, with so much work to do having his tie on and sweating.

This imagination sure tastes salty😅. But this sight is definitely not appealing. I walk into a hospital and see a doctor sweating? Nahh.. I'd pass😅

we had accustomed ourselves to the British way of dressing so much so that when we try to change that because of the circumstances we face the religious part of our minds begins to judge us to be doing wrong.

But that's just it. . It's either the British way of dressing or the traditional way of dressing which involves tying wrapper and wearing caftan 🥲


Nice having you..
@wongi.. hehehe.. we have that plenty.. we can wear caftan to work yeah.. but then what we really need is a dress sense better suiting for the work, the weather and the person.

Trust me, most Doctors who were ties everyday don't take it particular to care for those ties, just a daily uniform routine.

And more so, the tie culture must have come from the cold of those regions, we in Africa . .probably shouldn't have taken that up.
Once again, just saying..


And more so, the tie culture must have come from the cold of those regions, we in Africa . .probably shouldn't have taken that up.
Once again, just saying..

Yet most people don't put that into consideration. You go to work without a tie on a hot day and your done for.

We really need a makeover in the
nigerian fashion industry.


Hehe . May I ask.. you Nigerian?


Somewhat 😅..


Well I was smelling some Asian perfumes .. hehehe
