

It is often common place to find people being entitled in our day-to-day activities and social life. Some people think they have what it takes for every other person to bow to them rewarding them for what they never worked for.

In fact we currently live in a world where people who come to beg you for money turn the abusive way when you refuse or ignore them. You help me get father insulting to even begin to call you names because you never obliged to their pleas.


Wait a minute who is begging?

If you don't give, nothing will happen and if you gave well something has happened, but is that enough for anyone to constantly feel they ought to be given anything.

Fear people who are entitled.

It is usually a pain to work for money and end up giving it to another able-bodied person who did not work and cannot work for it. As the officer would you rather learn to catch fish or just keep eating fish from another person.

I usually prefer teaching people how to catch fish then giving them fish because I have to store up for personal projects.


It's often necessary to put giving as part of your expenditure or ever it's also important to know when that quota has been exhausted, lest you give away your means of livelihood.

So many people are entitled and we have them even here on hive too. Some showcase their newness by expecting to receive huge votes because they made the best post ever that we have never seen before they arrived at The platform. I often tell newbies that nobody owes them anything on the platform no matter how much it took for them to create.

What you get in your payout are totally based on your work on engagement, your work on attracting people to your post and your work on participation with consistency.

If you think you deserve some acculades then work for it overtime, one post will not make you get all their clothes you want.

I often look back to post I have made where I did not get any payout at all and I look forward to days where I get future payout and I know that there is more to come.

Nobody is promised anything it's a platform and just like every other platforms like YouTube tik-tok and even Instagram you will have to show some consistency for an algorithm to note you and throw your work before more people. If you don't please people no one will follow you, no one will subscribe, neither will anyone consume your content.

This is also applicable to life generally.
Graphic image designed using canva.


It’s good to hear more people having some fiscal conservative ideas! This notion of giving people free stuff or them demanding free stuff is a load of horse shit. It’s the worst to expect free things but that’s what governments are trying to indoctrinate people into thinking. The lazy people have increased in numbers but I think we are at a turning point. Not a massive one but the lazy people are getting older and some have kids some don’t. The younger generation isn’t putting up with some of the shit that’s going on and I think that’s crucial. The kids in their 10’s and teens seem to be doing a good job of being motivated. Let’s hope we can keep that up!


I m gonna screen this and share on my am pages.

Thanks so much.

