Splinterlands Weekly Challenge Battle! DHAMPIR STALKER


Every week there is a Splinterlands challenge to share a battle using a specific card and on this week's post it is the Dhampir Stalker card. I also encourage Splinterlands players to partake in the challenge because you get to try different strategies and earn some crypto in the process.

Featured Monster: Dhampir Stalker

Dhampir Stalker.png

Dhampir Stalker is a death splinter card that costs 7 mana. It starts with true strike and death blow. It's a damage dealer but I don't really think the true strike is that useful. At least I never really worry about missing until I get into the match. Assuming it doesn't die, it can deal quite a bit of damage even at level 1. I have a gold foil version of this at level 2 from a previous chaos legion pack opening.

Rule set, Battle and Plan

rule set.png

The ruleset this time is silenced summoner and counterspell. So there are no summoner effects and all monsters have reflect. There is also 52 mana available and I am left with the choice of water, life or death splinter.


The summoner I choose to use this time is Contessa L'ament. It has -1 ranged attack but that is useless this match. So with it being at level 4, I can at least play my cards at a higher level.

SplinterMana CostPositionReason
Contessa L'ament3Summoner-1 ranged
Cursed Windeku61stThorns
The Gorlodon92ndReach and backup tank
Dhampir Stalker73rdDamage Dealer
Soulstorm54thDamage Dealer
Dark Ha'on36thTaunt
Total Mana:43

My plan is just to have a thorns tank up front followed up by a good backup tank. Then I have some damage dealers with a taunt monster at the very back. With this, I think it will give my damage dealers enough time to deal with the monsters on my opponent's side.

Round 1

round 1.png

At the first glance of my opponent's lineup, I think I am danger due to taunt monster in the back. From what I see, he has more damage than me and I am unsure how long my taunt monster will last. So I think it depends on what happens between the taunt monsters.

Round 3

round 3.png

I skipped forward to round 3 because nothing died before it. My opponent's taunt monster is down but I lost my thorns tank and I have two cards almost dead by then. So it's not looking great for me because my ranged damage dealers are about to be exposed to the melee monsters.

Round 4

round 4.png

What I was afraid of happened, and I am left with just some ranged monsters. I don't think there is a way for me to turn this match around. With his tank having enrage, I just don't think it's possible for me to dodge enough attacks.


As I expected, I lost the match.


The battle this time around did not go as I expected. I was hoping to take out his front-line monsters and go straight to his ranged monsters but his taunt monster has a similar strategy. Unfortunately, his damage outpaced mine and I was left with nothing. I was kind of hoping for my opponent to use a magic monster but he did not.

The summoners were just used for the level so I don't think it's that important but my opponent did well. From what I saw, he had plenty of speed and damage. I had quite a few slow monsters and I just didn't have enough damage to land all my hits. The flying ability on my Dark Ha'on was good but it just wasn't enough to turn the match over.

You can see my entire match here.

What did you think of my match? Was there anything you would have done differently? I think it is quite interesting to see how different players use the same card.


I like your Dark Ha'on, it is a great card. One of those cards I wish I have in Death element.
Your opponent at level 5 was too strong for you.


It's a great card due to the taunt and the flying ability but I don't use death that often.



Thanks for sharing! - @libertycrypto27

Good battle and I think defeats are more important than victories because they always have something to teach and analyzing defeats is more important than analyzing victories.
In my opinion if you balanced the formation better with an extra melee card capable of attacking from a distance it was better but I liked your battle as well as your post
