Beautiful Birds of the Bay ¨ShowMeAPhotoContest¨#64 (Es-Eng)



Hola apasionados amigos de esta hermosa comunidad ¨Feathered FriendsCommunity¨ Muy feliz de estar nuevamente aquí en compañía de todos; En esta oportunidad participando en esta genial iniciativa creada por nuestra amiga @nelinoeva

Hello passionate friends of this beautiful community ¨Feathered FriendsCommunity¨ Very happy to be here again in everyone's company; This time participating in this great initiative created by our friend @nelinoeva

La propuesta de esta semana la hizo nuestra amiga @carlagonz; Me encanto la consigna propuesta por nuestra amiga, nos da un amplio margen de poder cumplirla; En esta oportunidad debemos hacer tomas de aves que estén en contacto con las hierbas.

This week's proposal was made by our friend @carlagonz; I loved the slogan proposed by our friend, it gives us a wide margin of being able to fulfill it; In this opportunity we must make shots of birds that are in contact with the herbs.

Estas tomas la hicimos en una hermosa playa muy conocida de ¨Ushuaia¨; Esta es una ciudad reconocida por albergar muchas playas, y como saben, en ellas podemos encontrar una gran variedad de aves, entre ellas las gaviotas. Hacer estas tomas fue muy divertidas, y es lo que se necesita para participar de este desafío, la diversión es parte de la norma

We took these shots on a beautiful well-known beach in ¨Ushuaia¨; This is a city known for hosting many beaches, and as you know, in them we can find a wide variety of birds, including seagulls. Doing these shots was a lot of fun, and it's what it takes to participate in this challenge, fun is part of the norm

Lo que realmente nos sorprendió lo amigables que son estas aves, es evidente que estan acostumbradas a las personas, permitieron que nos pudiéramos acercar para tomar estas fotografías; En esta oportunidad las capturas las hicimos con un teléfono ¨Moto¨¨e7¨¨Plus¨ por eso teníamos la necesidad de acercarnos bastantes para lograr unas imágenes decente

What really surprised us how friendly these birds are, it is evident that they are used to people, they allowed us to get close to take these photographs; This time we made the captures with a ¨Moto¨¨¨¨¨¨Plus¨ phone, so we had to get close enough to get some decent images

For the best experience view this post on Liketu


Ciao, io ho casa vicino al mare e vedo sempre i gabbiani....
Mi piacciono moltissimo.... bellissime foto!
Ti auguro una buona serata


Hello dear friend @ luba555 good afternoon
That is incredible; congratulations for where you live

I always wanted to live in front of the sea, but here the properties are expensive in front of the sea

Thank you very much for this pleasant visit.
have a beautiful afternoon


Grazie di cuore mio dolce amico
Io ho 2 case... una al mare e una in campagna...
Amo molto gli animali e vivo principalmente nella casa in campagna... però ogni tanto vado anche in quella al mare...
Mi piace molto camminare sulla sabbia e vedere le onde del mare.
Ti auguro una bellissima serata


This is so lovely to take the pictures of the seagulls when they were in the grass.
