Dose of nature and physiotherapy to counteract ailments (Es-Eng )

Hola apasionados de la vida natural, fieles seguidores de esta genial ¨Inspired by Nature Community¨:  Una hermosa comunidad donde podemos compartir la inspiración y la experiencia que vivimos en cercanía de un entorno natural. En lo particular, la naturaleza es donde consigo la tranquilidad suficiente para pensar y conectarme con las partes de mi cuerpo, últimamente el malestar del ¨nervio¨¨ciático¨ han sido frecuentes, que no calma con medicación, según la traumatóloga, la medicación es la más fuerte que se me puede administrar vía oral, el próximo paso sería la infiltración, es decir, un inyectable directamente en el nervio afectado, y como se pueden imaginar, no es un área para estar haciendo este tipo de pulsaciones, un milímetro fuera de lugar puede tener consecuencias catastróficas, por esa razón, me niego a este tipo de tratamiento

Source: Family Álbum

Hello passionate about natural life, faithful followers of this great ¨Inspired by Nature Community ¨:  A beautiful community where we can share the inspiration and experience that we live in close proximity to a natural environment. In particular, nature is where I get enough peace of mind to think and connect with the parts of my body, lately the discomfort of the "sciatic nerve" has been frequent, which does not calm down with medication, according to the traumatologist, medication is the strongest that can be administered orally, the next step would be infiltration, that is, an injection directly into the affected nerve, and as you can imagine, it is not an area to be doing this type of pulsation, a millimeter outside instead it can have catastrophic consequences, for that reason, I refuse this type of treatment

Cuando pienso en infiltraciones, no puedo dejar de pensar en una planta hermosa como esta de filosas espina, que requiere mucho cuidado al acercarse o al tocar, sus espinas pueden causar daño, y mucho dolor si sus puntas tocan nuestra piel

Source: Family Álbum

When I think of infiltrations, I can't help but think of a beautiful plant like this one with sharp thorns, which requires a lot of care when approaching or touching, its thorns can cause damage, and a lot of pain if its tips touch our skin

Pude persuadir a la traumatóloga y dejar de lado las infiltraciones, en esta instancia vamos a probar con ¨fisioterapia¨ y diez sesiones de kinesiología, si bien es un tratamiento costoso que no cubre la ¨asistencia¨¨medica¨, es un costo que debo asumir por tratarse de mi salud, además, esto puede ser la solución para evitar infiltrar mi cuerpo, o en lo peor de los casos evitar una cirugía

Source: Family Álbum

I was able to persuade the traumatologist and put aside the infiltrations, in this instance we are going to try "physiotherapy" and ten sessions of kinesiology, although it is an expensive treatment that does not cover "assistance ¨¨medical¨, it is a cost that I must assume because it is about my health, in addition, this can be the solution to avoid infiltrating my body, or in the worst case, avoid surgery

Hay muchas terapias que se pueden hacer en un entorno natural, uno de ello es ¨ árbol¨¨ terapia¨ esto consiste en abrazar un árbol para obtener todo el poder de la naturaleza¨:  si no han escuchado de este tipo de terapia, les recomiendo buscar en la web, ya que allí encontraran mucha información de los beneficios de esta terapia

Source: Family Álbum

There are many therapies that can be done in a natural environment, one of them is ¨ tree¨¨ therapy¨ this consists of hugging a tree to obtain all the power of nature¨:  if you have not heard of this type of therapy, I recommend you search the web, since there you will find a lot of information on the benefits of this therapy

He leído que este tipo de terapia tiene muy buenos resultados, nunca lo he hecho, en su lugar prefiero caminar descalzo, creo que de esta manera hay una conexión más directa con la ¨madre¨¨tierra¨ aunque debo aclarar que todo es válido cuando se trata de tener una conexión con la naturaleza, y mucho más cuando se trata de conseguir una solución a nuestras dolencias. Nuestra cámara ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ fue de gran ayuda para tomar las fotografías de este hermoso entorno natural

Source: Family Álbum

I have read that this type of therapy has very good results, I have never done it, instead I prefer to walk barefoot, I think that in this way there is a more direct connection with the "mother" earth¨ although I must clarify that everything is valid when it comes to having a connection with nature, and much more when it comes to finding a solution to our ailments. Our ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ camera was a great help in taking pictures of this beautiful natural environment.


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


Hope the physiotherapy will work, as I can understand your hesitation for the infiltration into the nerve.
It’s nice to be out and about in nature. It does help in many ways.
Hope you find soon some relief my friend @jlufer 🤞🏻🤞🏻🍀🍀
Take care and I cross my fingers for you and send positive vibes…


hello dear friend @littlebee4 good day
This afternoon I am starting the treatment, we are going to do five days in a row and see the results, and depending on it, we will do the remaining five
Thank you very much for always being close and your kind words


Hello dear friend @jlufer good day to you 👋🏻😊
That’s good to hear the treatment is all so close together. Let’s hope for the best 🤞🏻🍀 good luck.
Take care my friend!


"Walking barefoot" - I did it as a kid. We all walked barefoot then. But I think many years have passed since then and I never thought to do it after that. Although I know how useful it is. And yes, one connects with nature and the earth in the best way like this.
Dear friend @jlufer, I am so sorry to read that you have not yet recovered. I'm not an expert in this area, but I've heard that doctors are usually helpless with this problem. In my country, people turn to the so-called "folk" or "natural" healers in such cases.
I hope you too can find someone who can help you without endangering other aspects of your health. 🙏


I have started with physiotherapy, yesterday was the first day, according to the professional, she believes that with five sessions a difference will be noticed, and we plan to do ten sessions. Thank you very much for your kind words and the suggestion dear friend @soulsdetour


I have to agree, nature has a healing effect. That’s why I always spend some time doing photos of nature as it helps me relieve some of my stress 😊 Have a great day ahead 😊


how are you dear friend @photocircle
It is good that you can reduce your stress level in the company of nature, she is incredible
Have a beautiful day
