(Es-Eng) Moon sighting in ¨South¨ ¨America¨ (12 photographs of the moon that awaken feelings)

Hola mis amigos y apasionados de esta increíble ¨Amazing Nature Community¨: . Muy contento de estar aquí en compañía de todos ustedes; Hoy les quiero dar a conocer unas hermosas fotografías de unas de mis pasiones que nos obsequia la naturaleza; Algo que nació cuando aún era un niño, y lo mantengo fielmente. Los hechos naturales se presentan constantemente, y debemos estar atentos para ver y disfrutar de la belleza natural

Source: Family Álbum

Hello my friends and fans of this incredible ¨Amazing Nature Community¨: . Very happy to be here in the company of all of you; Today I want to show you some beautiful photographs of one of my passions that nature gives us; Something that was born when I was still a child, and I keep it faithfully. Natural facts are constantly present, and we must be vigilant to see and enjoy natural beauty

Soy de un país de ¨América¨ del ¨sur¨, vivo en una pequeña ciudad situada al noreste de Argentina; Mi ciudad de Corrientes tiene una ubicación estrategia que nos ha permitido avistar durante el año hermosas exposición de la luna; Una maravilla que no te puedes perder si eres un apasionado de la naturaleza

Source: Family Álbum

I am from a country in "South America", I live in a small city located in the northeast of Argentina; My city of Corrientes has a strategic location that has allowed us to see beautiful moon exposures during the year; A wonder that you cannot miss if you are passionate about nature

Aquellos que somos apasionados de la exposición de la luna, no desaprovechamos oportunidades como estas que se ha presentado en estos últimos días; La luna al parecer está más cerca que nunca, y te permite hacer hermosas capturas; Por suerte el año anterior habíamos adquirido una cámara que tiene programas que te permite hacer tomas increíbles. Agradezco haber tenido todo su apoyo, que ha permitido poder comprar esta cámara que nos da muchas satisfacciones

Source: Family Álbum

Those of us who are passionate about the exposure of the moon, do not miss opportunities like these that have been presented in recent days; The moon seems to be closer than ever, and it allows you to take beautiful shots; Luckily the year before we had bought a camera that has programs that allow you to take amazing shots. I appreciate having all your support, which has allowed us to buy this camera that gives us great satisfaction

Avistar este tipo de luna en el cielo me traen gratos recuerdos; Mi amor por ver la luna se lo debo agradecer a mi abuelo, quien me enseñó a ver y disfrutar de las diferentes ¨exposición¨¨ lunar¨ que se presentan durante el año; Era muy común cada noche acostarnos en el patio para poder observar el cielo, y disfrutar de todo lo que tenía para ofrecernos, en más de una oportunidad nos ha relatado hermosas historuas sobre las estrellas y la luna

Source: Family Álbum

Seeing this type of moon in the sky brings back fond memories; I owe my love for seeing the moon to my grandfather, who taught me to see and enjoy the different “lunar exhibitions” that are presented during the year; It was very common every night to lie down on the patio to be able to observe the sky, and enjoy everything he had to offer us, on more than one occasion he has told us beautiful stories about the stars and the moon

Por nuestra condición de ser creyentes de cosas esotéricas, o eventos relacionados a lo sobre natural, nos hace vulnerables a las diferentes creencias relacionada a la luna con los ¨hombre¨¨lobos¨. Historias que contaban nuestros antepasados indígenas, de leyendas originarias de ¨lunas¨ y ¨hombres¨ que se convertían en animales; Es muy difícil no pensar en estas cosas al ver semejante exposición de la luna, en una noche mística que parece de día.

Source: Family Álbum

Due to our condition of being believers in esoteric things, or events related to the supernatural, it makes us vulnerable to the different beliefs related to the moon with the "werewolves". Stories told by our indigenous ancestors, of original legends of "moons" and "men" who became animals; It is very difficult not to think about these things when seeing such an exposure of the moon, on a mystical night that seems like day.

Las personas que vivimos en esta zona del mundo hemos sido bendecido al tener esta oportunidad de ver esta extraordinaria exposición lunar; Cosas hermosas que nos obsequia la naturaleza, y debemos apreciar cuando se nos presentan. Estas hermosas fotografías las tomamos con nuestra ¨NikonCoolpixB500¨

Source: Family Álbum

The people who live in this part of the world have been blessed to have this opportunity to see this extraordinary lunar exhibition; Beautiful things that nature gives us, and we must appreciate when they are presented to us. We took these beautiful pictures with our ¨NikonCoolpixB500¨


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


Those are really great photos of the moon, @jlufer! Were they all taken on the same night? I especially like the last one with moon up over the tree. Thanks for sharing them!


hello dear friend @lisamgentile1961 good afternoon
All the photographs were taken on the same night in the course of two hours, there were many clouds that made it difficult
Happy that my images have been to your liking
Have a beautiful night


The moon!
Come to think of it I haven't taken a picture of the moon, hehehe!
Have a nice nite, @jlufer!


Great moon photos! You will love having a new camera!
