Shadows of chairs, benches and something else… ¨ShadowHuntersContestSMASh¨ # 191Sombras de sillas, bancos y algo más…

Hola mis amigos apasionados de esta increíble ¨Shadow HuntersCommunity¨:  Feliz de aceptar la invitación de mi amiga @melinda010100, que nos hace cada semana del ¨ShadowHunters¨-¨SMAShContest ¨:  Un concurso que no te puedes perder si eres un apasionado de las fotografías. Hacer tomas de sombras es una actividad muy apasionante y recreativas, hay que estar atento al caminan con la cámara en la mano, nunca sabes cuándo se va a presentar la oportunidad de cazar una sombra

Source: Family Álbum

Hello my friends who are passionate about this incredible ¨Shadow HuntersCommunity¨:   Happy to accept the invitation of my friend @ melinda010100, who makes us every week from ¨ShadowHunters¨-¨SMAShContest ¨:   A contest that you cannot miss if you are passionate about photography. Taking shadow shots is a very exciting and recreational activity, you have to be attentive when they walk with the camera in hand, you never know when the opportunity to hunt a shadow will present itself

Quiero comenzar agradeciendo a todos los que hacen posible este concurso; Nuestra amiga y creadora de la comunidad @melinda010100, la encantadora @annephilbrick que tiene la misión de elegir las mejores imágenes; Nuestro amigo @galenkp curador y benefactor de la comunidad; Los amigos patrocinadores @good-karma @ecency @pixresteemer @taskmanager #archon, y a todos los que han hecho una delegación. El 15% de lo que genere este post, es para¨Shadow HuntersCommunity¨: 

Source: Family Álbum

I want to start by thanking everyone who makes this contest possible; Our friend and community creator @melinda010100, the lovely @annephilbrick who is on a mission to choose the best images; Our friend @galenkp curator and benefactor of the community; Sponsoring friends @good-karma @ecency @pixresteemer @taskmanager #archon, and everyone who has made a delegation. 15% of what this post generates is for ¨Shadow HuntersCommunity¨:  

Esta semana mi esposa tuvo que acompañar a mi hija al centro de la ciudad; Cuando lo hace no pierde la oportunidad para hacer algunas hermosas tomas de la peatonal; En esta ocasión pudo captar las bellas sombras de elementos que estaban en la vía pública; Las sillas y los bancos siempre proyectan sombras bien definidas

Source: Family Álbum

This week my wife had to accompany my daughter downtown; When she does she doesn't miss the opportunity to do some beautiful shots of the pedestrian; On this occasion, she was able to capture the beautiful shadows of elements that were in the public thoroughfare; Chairs and benches always cast well-defined shadows

Debo admitir que las sombras que cazo en esta oportunidad mi esposa Gabriela fueron realmente muy hermosas y llamativas. Es lo que nos gusta de visitar el centro de la ciudad, hay una buena variedad de objetos que según su posición pueden proyectar sombras realmente muy bellas; Estas hermosas fotografías las obtuvimos con una ¨NikonCoolpixB500¨

Source: Family Álbum

I must admit that the shadows that my wife Gabriela used this time were really very beautiful and striking. This is what we like about visiting the city center, there is a good variety of objects that, depending on their position, can cast really beautiful shadows; These beautiful photographs were obtained with a ¨NikonCoolpixB500¨


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


WOW... winning photos, I must say!!!

Good luck, and have a pleasant day, @jlufer!!!


how are you dear friend @silversaver888 good afternoon
Thank you very much for appreciating our photographs, you are very kind
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid weekend. enjoy it a lot


A wonderful post filled with fantastic shadows! Nicely done, Gabriela. You are the Shadow Hunter extordinaire! Thanks for all these incredible shadow photos.


Hello dear friend @ melinda010100 good afternoon
Happy to know that our images have been to your liking, I must admit that my wife does a good job taking the photographs
Thank you very much for your kind words
Have a beautiful afternoon
