The origin of my passion for period buildings (Exclusive for ¨ArchitectureDesign¨)

No se imaginan la felicidad que siento al estar nuevamente en esta espléndida ¨ArchitectureDesignCommunity¨:  de apasionados por la construcción y el diseño. Me encanta compartir las imágenes de las edificaciones de mi ciudad porque sé que hay muchas personas que aprecian el estilo de las contracciones de época de nuestras edificaciones; Además, me siento como en mi propia casa por el clima agradable que hay en la comunidad y se lo debemos agradecer a nuestros amigos @storiesoferne @aplusd ; Cuando te sientes bien publicando en una comunidad disfrutas lo que haces, y es como me gusta sentirme; Amo nuestra compañía (Hive) disfruto todo el tiempo que paso aquí, también amo a nuestra comunidad estoy muy feliz de que haya cumplido un año de su existencias, estoy muy agradecido de lo que hacen por mí; En agradecimiento estoy designando con el 15 % en su beneficio ¨ArchitectureDesignCommunity¨: 

Source: Family Álbum

You cannot imagine the happiness I feel to be back in this splendid ¨ArchitectureDesignCommunity¨:   from passionate about construction and design. I love sharing the images of the buildings in my city because I know that there are many people who appreciate the style of the period contractions of our buildings; In addition, I feel at home because of the pleasant climate in the community and we must thank our friends @storiesoferne @aplusd; When you feel good about posting in a community, you enjoy what you do, and that's how I like to feel; I love our company (Hive), I enjoy all the time I spend here, I also love our community, I am very happy that it has completed a year of their existence, I am very grateful for what they do for me; In appreciation I am appointing 15% to your benefit ¨ArchitectureDesignCommunity¨:  

Mi amor por la ¨arquitectura¨ comienza cuando era un niño, haber crecido en la vieja casona de mis abuelos despertó mi interés por todos los detalles de la construcción, recuerdo que me encantaba tírame al piso y observar los detalles de la terminación del cielo raso, o las uniones entre el techo y las paredes; Las columnas que mantenían a la vieja construcción eran cilíndrica con muchos detalles en la base y su contacto con el cielo raso, aunque debo admitir que me daba miedo ver las ¨gárgolas¨ que decoraban estas columnas. Esta casa fue una inspiración para varios miembros de mi familia, que al crecer se convirtieron en arquitectos, y fue con ellos que me crie viendo la creación de hermosas mansiones desde los planos

Source: Family Álbum

My love for ¨architecture¨ begins when I was a child, having grown up in my grandparents' old house aroused my interest in all the details of the construction, I remember that I loved to throw myself on the floor and observe the details of the ceiling finish, or the joints between the ceiling and the walls; The columns that supported the old construction were cylindrical with many details at the base and their contact with the ceiling, although I must admit that I was scared to see the "gargoyles" that decorated these columns. This house was an inspiration for several members of my family, who grew up to become architects, and it was with them that I grew up watching the creation of beautiful mansions from the plans

Mi abuelo paterno era un ¨caudillo¨, su posición en la sociedad le permitía viajar por muchos lugares del mundo, y fue así que trajo estas ideas y mezcla en los estilos de la construcción de la vieja casona; Los constructores de la casa eran peones criollos, muy inteligentes para interpretar lo que deseaba mi abuelo en la construcción de la casa; Algunos vecinos en alguna oportunidad mencionaron que la vieja casa cuando se construyo era única por los finos detalles de la construcción. En algún momento había pensado que mi amor por la construcciones de época venían por mi estrecha relación con mis primos arquitectos, ahora conozco el verdadero origen de mi pasión por los edificios de época

Source: Family Álbum

My paternal grandfather was a ¨caudillo¨, his position in society allowed him to travel to many parts of the world, and that is how he brought these ideas and mixes in the styles of the construction of the old house; The builders of the house were Creole laborers, very intelligent to interpret what my grandfather wanted in the construction of the house; Some neighbors at one time mentioned that the old house when it was built was unique because of the fine details of the construction. At some point I had thought that my love for period buildings came from my close relationship with my cousins architects, now I know the true origin of my passion for period buildings

Caminar por el centro de nuestra ciudad, y ver estas edificaciones de época, no puedo evitar recordar la vieja casona en donde nací y la que mando a construir mi abuelo. Sin dudas estamos frente a una época dorada de la construcción; Manos artesanas que hacían cosas hermosas para embellecer los frentes y las terminaciones de las edificaciones. Admiro lo bien conservada de la propiedad, es evidente que hubo mucho amor entre el propietario y la edificación; Aunque claramente se puede apreciar un cartel de alquiler y otro de venta, que justificaría el estado de la propiedad, no puedo olvidar los años que tiene en pie, y lo bien que esta la mampostería del edificio

Source: Family Álbum

Walking through the center of our city, and seeing these period buildings, I can't help but remember the old house where I was born and the one that my grandfather ordered to build. Undoubtedly we are facing a golden age of construction; Artisan hands that made beautiful things to beautify the fronts and finishes of buildings. I admire how well preserved the property is, it is evident that there was a lot of love between the owner and the building; Although you can clearly see a rental sign and a sale sign, which would justify the state of the property, I cannot forget how old it has been standing, and how good the masonry of the building is

Lo que hace que ame este tipo de propiedades, sin dudas son la exquisitez de sus terminaciones, lo que me hace pensar lo involucrados que estaban los arquitectos y los ayudantes constructores con el trabajo que hacían, otra gran diferencia con la mano de obra de la actualidad. Ver estos carteles en la propiedad me puso triste, ya que me recordó cuando no mudamos de ciudad y debimos vender la primera propiedad que hice construir desde los cimientos; Vivir todo el proceso de la construcción de tu casa, es lo que hace que una construcción se convierta en un hogar; La gran diferencia que hay entre una casa y el hogar, es el amor que uno siente por ella.

Source: Family Álbum

What makes me love these types of properties, without a doubt are the exquisite finishes, which makes me think how involved the architects and construction assistants were with the work they did, another big difference from today's workforce. Seeing these posters on the property made me sad, as it reminded me of when we didn't move to another city and we had to sell the first property that I had built from the ground up; Living the entire process of building your house is what makes a construction become a home; The great difference between a house and a home is the love that one feels for it.

Esta hermosa propiedad tiene muchos detalles que indica que hubo mucho amor entre la construcción y su propietario; En ella podemos observar las iniciales de su primer dueño; ¨JBL¨ Iniciales que estarán allí por siempre, recordando que existen vínculos hermosos con las edificaciones que construimos. Viví muchas sensaciones hermosas mientras fotografiábamos con nuestra cámara ¨NikonCoolpixB500¨ este propiedad, recordé hermosos fragmentos de mi niñez y cuando nos despedimos de nuestra primera propiedad. Estas son las cosas que me gustan de mi ciudad; Sus edificaciones me recuerdan una etapa de mi vida.

Source: Family Álbum

This beautiful property has many details indicating that there was a lot of love between the building and its owner; In it we can see the initials of its first owner; ¨JBL¨ Initials that will be there forever, remembering that there are beautiful links with the buildings we build. I experienced many beautiful sensations while we photographed this property with our ¨NikonCoolpixB500¨ camera, I remembered beautiful fragments of my childhood and when we said goodbye to our first property. These are the things I like about my city; Its buildings remind me of a stage in my life.


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


When you feel good about posting in a community, you enjoy what you do, and that's how I like to feel; I love our company (Hive), I enjoy all the time I spend here, I also love our community, I am very happy that it has completed a year of their existence, I am very grateful for what they do for me; In appreciation I am appointing 15% to your benefit ¨ArchitectureDesignCommunity¨

I feel the same about Hive. Recently I started to receive huge support for my plan to buy a sailboat. I am very grateful and very happy about all the support I receive. And I also like commenting and engaging with others. I currently do not know this Architecture+Design community (as I currently remember, I published one or two posts in it), but it is very nice of you to set them as a beneficiary for this post.

Have a nice day and have a nice weekend.
All the best. Greetings from Hungary.


Yes dear friend @xplosive, the human quality that is in hive is great. I'm really happy for you
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit and support that you give me
I wish you a beautiful afternoon


Greetings friend @jlufer. Fabulous! Thanks so much for featuring an ancestral heirloom of architecture. With that, the Architecture+Design Community is truly honored. Aside from being endowed with Architects in your very own family lineage, I can simply feel the passion you have for this interesting industry through your awesome content. We're grateful for your sincere generosity, as always, and for showcasing a significant piece of architectural heritage with your grandparents' old house.

Are you still terrified of looking at gargoyles today?


Hello dear friend @storiesoferne good afternoon
It makes me very happy to know that my post is to your liking, it is a huge transformation, and a satisfaction to know that one does things well.

The people of Correntinos are superstitious, we believe in things from beyond, here it is believed that gargoyles were used to scare away bad spirits.

Thank you very much for this pleasant visit and the great support. I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid weekend


Okay I see, that's understandable. Have an enjoyable weekend as well. 😊


Well done @jlufer! We're happy to inform you that this publication was specially curated and awarded RUNNER-UP in Architecture Brew #45. Congratulations!


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Thank you very much dear friend @aplusd for appreciating and supporting my post, you are very kind
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid week


Hello @jlufer. We're extremely grateful to you too! We could not have done it without your valuable support and superb contributions. Have an enjoyable week!


Hello friend @jlufer it is pleasing to read this post, old buildings are a valuable architectural legacy, I can hardly imagine the emotions for you before your first home and childhood memories. Many blessings my friend.
