The shadows that Christmas left ¨ShadowHuntersContestSMASh¨ # 201-Las sombras que dejo la navidad

Contento de estar aquí en esta increíble ¨Shadow HuntersCommunity¨:  acompañando la invitación que nos ha hecho nuestra amiga @melinda010100 a participar de este increíble ¨¨ShadowHuntersContestSMASh¨¨:  No puedo creer que no haya participado de la semana 200 del desafío, estaba seguro que había hecho y publicado mi post, recién hoy al buscar el borrador de mi escrito me doy cuenta que me he perdido; Para la semana 200 tenía preparado unas hermosas imágenes que había tomado mi esposa en un paseo que hizo con mi nieta por nuestra ciudad

Source: Family Álbum

Glad to be here on this amazing ¨Shadow HuntersCommunity¨:   accompanying the invitation that our friend @ melinda010100 has made us to participate in this incredible ¨¨ShadowHuntersContestSMASh¨¨:   I can't believe I didn't participate in week 200 of the challenge, I was sure I had made and published my post, just today when looking for the draft of my writing I realize that I have lost; For week 200 I had prepared some beautiful images that my wife had taken on a walk that she took with my granddaughter through our city

El municipio de nuestra ciudad cuida mucho los detalles, siempre hacen gigantografias alusivas a las diferentes fiestas del año. Este año escogieron un enorme parque para agasajar las ¨fiestas¨¨navideñas¨ Este es uno de los lugares más concurrido de la ciudad, creo que la mayoría de las personas visitan este lugar a menos una vez a la semana

Source: Family Álbum

The municipality of our city takes great care of the details, they always make billboards alluding to the different festivals of the year. This year they chose a huge park to host the "Christmas parties". This is one of the busiest places in the city, I think most people visit this place at least once a week

La temática de la temporada se basó en algunos animales que viven en los campos de nuestra provincia; Animales que nos representan como es la figura de nuestro ¨yacaré¨; No existe un animal que represente mejor a los correntinos que este animal; Lo acompaña el osos hormiguero, otro querido y admirado animal de nuestra provincia

Source: Family Álbum

The theme of the season was based on some animals that live in the fields of our province; Animals that represent us as the figure of our ¨yacaré¨ is; There is no animal that better represents the people of Corrientes than this animal; He is accompanied by the anteaters, another beloved and admired animal of our province

Como de costumbre nuestra exclusiva cazadora de sombra, mi esposa Gabriela, no pudo evitar ver las sombras que proyectan esta gigantografias; Para ser honesto ha hecho una fotografías coloridas y hermosas. Estas imágenes las obtuvimos gracias a nuestra camara¨NikonCoolpixB500. El 15% en beneficios de ¨Shadow HuntersCommunity¨: 

Source: Family Álbum

As usual, our exclusive shadow hunter, my wife Gabriela, couldn't help but see the shadows cast by these billboards; To be honest she has made some beautiful and colorful pictures. These images were obtained thanks to our camera ¨NikonCoolpixB500. 15% in profits from ¨Shadow HuntersCommunity¨:  

Source: Family Album


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


These are really fun Shadow photos this week! Colorful photos and great Shadows. Nicely done, Gabriela! Thanks for entering and for all you do for the Shadow Hunters Community!


Hello dear friend @melinda010100 good afternoon
Happy to know that our images have been to your liking.
Thank you very much for the great support you always give us.
Have a happy week


Hello, @jlufer! Great shadows from the park you catch for the contest! Thank you for your participation in the Shadow hunters contest! 😎 👏


hello dear friends @hive-179017 good afternoon thank you all so much for watching our shadow hunt
I wish you all a prosperous week


hello my friend. such fun freindly figures making these nice shadows
