¨WednesdayWalk¨ Walking through a lenga forest (Es-Eng)

Feliz de estar nuevamente en esta genial ¨WednesdayWalkCommunity¨: compartiendo unas hermosas imágenes de la naturaleza con mis amigos tattoodjay:  elizacheng:  Estas fotografías no son recientes, son de nuestra última visita a mi hijo que vive en el sur del país- Tuvimos la suerte de tomarnos una prolongada vacaciones que nos han permitido hacer más de tres mil fotografías de unas de la zona más linda de mi país ¨Argentina¨

Source: Family Álbum

Happy to be back in this great ¨WednesdayWalkCommunity¨:  sharing some beautiful nature images with my friends tattoodjay:  elizacheng:  These photographs are not recent, They are from our last visit to my son who lives in the south of the country- We were lucky to take a long vacation that has allowed us to take more than three thousand photographs of some of the most beautiful area of my country ¨Argentina¨

Viví en casa de mis abuelos paternos desde mi nacimiento hasta los 8 años de edad, momento en que mis padres decidieron separarse. El poder adquisitivo de mi madre no era muy bueno, lo que no nos permitía alquilar una casa en el mismo barrio en que vivíamos, este era un lugar selecto en plena ciudad, y para ser honesto nos hubiera encantado poder seguir viviendo en un lugar así, aunque el destino tenía preparado otra cosa para nosotros. Nos mudamos a un barrio muy alejado de la ciudad, era uno en desarrollo lo que permitía que hubiera muchos terrenos baldíos y grandes arboledas, así es como comienza mi amor por la naturaleza y las caminatas por extensos bosques

Source: Family Álbum

I lived with my paternal grandparents from birth until I was 8 years old, when my parents decided to separate. My mother's purchasing power was not very good, which did not allow us to rent a house in the same neighborhood where we lived, this was a select place in the middle of the city, and to be honest we would have loved to continue living in a place like this , although fate had something else in store for us. We moved to a neighborhood far away from the city, it was one that was under development, which allowed for many vacant lots and large groves of trees, this is how my love for nature and walks through extensive forests began

Cuando mi hijo Iván nos llevó a conocer este bosque de ¨lenga¨ :  trajeron bellos recuerdo de mi niñez. Este es un árbol propio de esta zona del mundo, que tiene una madera muy noble y de muy buena terminación, esta especie de árbol están por todas partes, vayas donde vayas seguro te encontraras con grandes superficies de bosques de este árbol

Source: Family Álbum

When my son Iván took us to see this forest of ¨lenga¨ :  They brought back beautiful memories of my childhood. This is a tree typical of this part of the world, which has a very noble wood and a very good finish, this species of tree is everywhere, wherever you go, you will surely find large areas of forests of this tree

La fina terminación de la madera permite la construcción de muebles y bellas artesanías. Durante nuestro viaje hemos visitado una hermosa ciudad llamada ¨Tolhuin¨ el especial atractivo del lugar está en la ¨Casa¨ de la ¨Cultura¨:  durante nuestra caminata por el legar pudimos descubrir hermosas obras creadas con esta noble madera, gigantes obras que representan a la comunidad originaria del pueblo, son tan hermosas que no pudimos evitar hacer una toma fotográfica de ellas

Source: Family Álbum

The fine finish of the wood allows the construction of furniture and beautiful crafts. During our trip we have visited a beautiful city called ¨Tolhuin¨ the special attraction of the place is the ¨Casa¨ of the ¨Culture¨:  during our walk through the legacy we were able to discover beautiful works created with this noble wood, giant works that represent the original community of the town, they are so beautiful that we could not help but make a photographic shot of them

Estas fueron una de las mejores vacaciones que hemos tenido en los últimos años, hacia un tiempo largo que no veíamos a nuestro hijo, además deseábamos conocer a mi nieta ¨Alaia¨ y a su esposa ¨Gisela¨. Los días allí son increíbles, hemos vitado lugares realmente mágicos, y dimos hermosas caminatas como a mi me gustan, rodeados de hermoso entorno natural. Por suerte antes de iniciar el viaje habíamos adquirido nuestra cámara ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ que nos permitió hacer miles de tomas

Source: Family Álbum

This was one of the best vacations we have had in recent years, we had not seen our son for a long time, we also wanted to meet my granddaughter ¨Alaia¨ and her wife ¨Gisela ¨. The days there are incredible, we have visited truly magical places, and we took beautiful walks the way I like them, surrounded by a beautiful natural environment. Luckily before starting the trip we had acquired our ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ camera that allowed us to take thousands of shots


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


Hello my friend @jlufer good day to you 👋🏻😊
I can imagine it brought back memories.
What a stunning artworks, all the woodcuttings.
The setting in the trees. Beautiful.
Thanks for sharing these memories with us and beautiful captures.
Have a lovely day ☀️🌸


It is a pleasure to be able to share my memories, and the beautiful photographs of this beautiful place.
Thank you very much dear friend @littlebee4 for the great support you always give me


Hola amigo @jlufer 🤗 me alegro mucho de su encuentro con su hijo y si nieta qué por fin la conoce.

Es bonito recordar la infancia y me gustó conocer más de tu historia.

Lindas esculturas con madera, la naturaleza es hermosa por donde la miremos. 🥰

Te envio un abrazo fuerte.

Hello friend @jlufer 🤗 I am very glad about your meeting with your son and your granddaughter who finally knows her.

It's nice to remember the childhood and I liked to know more of your story.

Nice sculptures with wood, nature is beautiful everywhere we look at it. 🥰

I send you a big hug.


como estas querida amiga @soyunasantacruz
si son unas obras hermosas, ademas representan la historia del lugar
Ha sido hermoso poder conocer a mi niesta y nuestra nuera, hacia tiempo que deseabamos viajar y finalmente hemos podido
Muchas gracias por esta grata visita

how are you dear friend @soyunasantacruz
If they are beautiful works, they also represent the history of the place
It has been wonderful to be able to meet my daughter-in-law and our daughter-in-law, we have wanted to travel for a long time and we have finally been able to
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit


I think this is what Sherwood Forest should look like :)


Hello dear friend @barski good day
It is true, it is a good example of how a forest should look
have a beautiful day


Such a beautiful post and glad you had a nice vacation and WOW that is a lot of photos

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk, its my pleasure to host it and see all the posts each week from all around the world, including yours, if you have time visit some of the other walks this week there are so many interesting ones


Hello dear friend @tatuajedjay good morning
Yes, we've taken a lot of pictures, but I've also shared a lot of them over the past year.
Thank you very much for the support you always give me
have a great day
