My life could have been a mess (if not for him)

It was some years ago, In the rainy season by that time I was twelve years old, me and my neighbors were going for snail hunting, because in the rainy season snails do come out early in the night in search of food.

we used torch light in searching for these snails, it was a bounty hunting because each of us hunt a big number of snail in the bush.

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Then it was time for us to go back to our various homes, I didn't knew what came out of me but before I knew I began to feel not okay, like my mind was taken away but I did not want to be a burden to anyone so I had to maintain like everything was okay with me.

Beside me i saw a snail and could not look so well that where the snail was coming from is a sucker pit that's not yet completed dug, I went for it and,

Little did it remains I should have fall into a sucker pit that's was situated in the boundaries behind an uncompleted building but someone who was at my back quickly grabbed me and took me off that place.

I allow my head to control me and did not used my mind that was what happened, but it was well with me because I had people who went along with me, it would have been bad if I was alone in that place.

Going to places with people is a good thing to consider because the person you went with will watch your back and you will look out for him also for a common goal.

I had seventy six snails that night so i give some to my friends who were there for me when I wanted to misbehave, to have someone who watched out for us, is a blessing because we might not know what our life would be without them.


I had seventy six snails that night so i give some to my friends who were there for me when I wanted to misbehave

Oh wow. That was a great catch. I like the fact that you rewarded your friends for being there for you✨.

It's a good thing that you have positive friends around you because some people would just let you fall.


It would not make any sense if they could let me to fall it is true they are good people and they deserve everything, thank you for saying this @wongi
