The effects of globalisation in my hometown


Globalisation has helped most of my friends in my hometown to learn the different lifestyles of other people in the world, in those days, it was not so easy for people in my hometown, we just depended on what we knew, in fact the beliefs of the people around here were not good to say the least.

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I remember my first visit to the city how I misbehaved in doing certain things, it was like that because none of that was clear to me on how to handle those things, especially that of a ShopRite I visited with my friend, as I was the one who took the lead, I didn't know how to open the entrance door, I had to wait for my friend who was coming at the back to come and open it, when we both went into the shop, we bought some ice cream and left.

But now that kind of thing can no longer be a problem for me or anyone in my locality, because we have seen on TV, through digital satellite, how many people visit so many places and how they tend to handle things there, globalisation brings a good sense of belonging and understanding of things that was not so clear to people living in the rural area like us.

I have witnessed how my uncles still used razors to cut their hair, not because there were no automation machine like the clipper in the market, but because no one taught them how to use it. In my locality, most people were not connected to the global world and tend to do things on their own, but still miss out on what they should do better.

I have heard that learning good things from someone is never a wasted efforts, that's true because, an isolated life is a kind of chained lifestyle that gives the feeling that a person's freedom is being taken away.

Globalisation has brought enlightenment to people in my locality, and today many young people in the neighbourhood have a clearer view of life, they stand up for what is right and also know how to say what is wrong, someone who is nurtured has good intentions, and these good intentions come from being connected to the outside world.

In general, globalisation has created good habits in people's minds in fostering love. In the neighborhood more people now understand that in life supporting one another is a better thing to do, everywhere anywhere in the world is home.

Thanks for reading.


Globalization is a good teacher, the people there learns what's best in the world and embrace love for growth of everyone.


That's true, thank you for saying this @harryhandsome globalization has done so much to the people's in my locality. It is like an eye opener.


Lifestyles has really changed before now now people where limit to distance, space to language and new ideas but globalization has shifted so many life


You are right, thank you for saying this, globalization is a good mother that teach what's good.


You're welcome and it was a pleasure stopping by


Omo! Look how you were just bringing old times in this write up haha... I was just smiling and I'm like "Thank God for Globalization" 😂 seriously, that life wasn't a cool and easy one at all.

globalisation has created good habits in people's minds in fostering love

This would never have crossed my mind if you had not mentioned it, you're right and I think the worldwide Internet pushed this further.

Good points shared, all the best in the contest


Thank you for saying this @merit.ahama globalization has truly push some certains bad habits out of our life and I am truly glad about that, thanks once again.


But now that kind of thing can no longer be a problem for me or anyone in my locality, because we have seen on TV, through digital satellite, how many people visit so many places and how they tend to handle things there, globalisation brings a good sense of belonging and understanding of things that was not so clear to people living in the rural area like us.

This is fascinating. I enjoy your examples of how access to information has changed your society.

Globalisation has brought enlightenment to people in my locality, and today many young people in the neighbourhood have a clearer view of life, they stand up for what is right and also know how to say what is wrong, someone who is nurtured has good intentions, and these good intentions come from being connected to the outside world.

In general, globalisation has created good habits in people's minds in fostering love. In the neighborhood more people now understand that in life supporting one another is a better thing to do, everywhere anywhere in the world is home.

It's great to see that having access to information has had a positive impact on young people.

Great article!


you are very right about the access to information, not only on television, we have youtube where we can search for knowledge and how to solve some problems we are facing. I do that often and I am sure many others do that. Due to the improvement in technology, and globalization itself, life has grown to be more easier at solving one's challenges.


YouTube is one of the medium we used for knowledge search, you are right, thank you for saying this.
