
It's without doubt that to be successful , effort and action is always needed, to be successful is not by magic, it all has to do with the way we go about it. The world is getting tougher on every single day that passes, as a result alot of risk has to be taking in other to achieve a particular goal.


Looking at the design of life, everything we do in it has to do with risk,the risk we take could either lead us to success or failure, depending on how we approach it. So many people are afraid of taking risk because they are scared of failing, they have the fear factor of what if the result doesn't comes expected, what if I lose in this project I am going into, this are some of the thoughts that keeps people away from taking risk which on the other hand could lead to total failure and regret.

If I am to say I will say that the biggest enemy of financial success is not taking risk because most times the result turns out positive, I know of a friend that is always regretting of not investing in bitcoin when he had the opportunity, then the price of Bitcoin was still very affordable, but he chose to not because of the fear of what the outcome or result will be and today Bitcoin is trading in thousands of dollars, now the fear of not taking risk has lead him not to be able to improve his financial life, imagine he has the gut by then, by now he would have been many times richer than he is today because the return on investment is always very high.

It's quite understandable that most of the risk we take we don't really know the out come, but at the same time we can't just sit and fold our hands, we just have to do something, if we decide that we are not going to be taking risk then we should be ready to fail financially because nothing will ever come easy and the more anyone deviate from taking risk closer the person is to financial decapitation, the refusal not to take risk is actually the worst enemy that hinders one from progressing financially.
