A Writer Is Born


It is clear no one is perfect, It is only practice that makes perfect, I will also add by saying no one is a perfect Writer. Only a moxie man or woman who can become a great writer, I have a reason for saying that which i will be throwing more light but before then I will like to say kudos to the great writers we have it is not easy, Especially the writers of novels and script i came to a realization that is is a real hard work.

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I began my writing journey on hive i was kind of a lost sheep on the Blockchain I found this community after some months, I explored on it and it taught me so many things like being a devoted writer and a intelligent writer and my journey so far been going smoothly. All I want is just to be a good writer, I am doing well in my write ups and it has been great all these while an understanding community.

I have come to realize that i can become a better writer a writer the world will know and Honor It hasn't been an easy journey but I am crushing it on hive Blockchain the #bdcommunity, I am not a perfect Writer but am sure a good one, I am trying my best to be the best I can be in this community and i will achieve that very soon.

Like, I said earlier no one is a perfect Writer, It is practice that made perfect and i was not born into a writers family but I am one that was why i said “ A Writer Is Born” and that writer is me and no one else, I am presently in work in progress of myself and soon going to be unleashed to the world.
