Being Consistent, Love and CBD


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One of my challenges in life has been the ability to be consistent. Consistency is a great concept. My struggle has been the challenge to stay with one topic, item, trade, etc because I love being, knowing, seeing all aspects of life. To stay with one "anything" for an extended period of time creates a squeamishness within that feels like anxiety.

I have recently offset my anxiety with CBD. Time for a short commercial break. We now have coffee infused CBD! Woo hoo! This is my website. If you desire so support my writing, please purchase products from my site. This is a multilevel business. Also, depending on your life goals, if you are looking to start a business we can arrange an interview for entry.

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Life is a choice, live in fear or live in LOVE. I choose LOVE, please join me in the global shift into the new paradigm of LOVE.

Break out of the "Fear-Based Control" system that our society has been programmed. The "Matrix" is real. It is up to you to chose the red and/or blue pill.

NEO is a Non emotional observer. Detach yourself from the outcome and be a non-emotional observer, then chose.

Is what I am observing based in love or fear?

How do I desire to use this information?

Do I move forward in love or fear?

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Have a blessed and prosperous day!
