Corn processing: Husking

Special Greetings to you all!
Hope you're doing good? Be finešŸ˜

I'm excited to appear here with my first article on this Community

It was yesterday that I planned to go back to my state after speending one week with family in the village, but the journey got cancelled when my dad approached me in the morning to mobilize my junior siblings to help in processing corn for sell. I wanted to dodge the work because it's time consuming but I just had to concur and do it because it's been a very long while I helped in such work.

The work was easily defined to us, we're just to remove the husk, burn it and keep the seed & corb in a safe place.

The photos above were taken inside the local kitchen where the corns were preserved with smoke. That's the method used in preserving corn in my village and it works very well. It can stay there for years and won't get spoilt as far as heat from fire is touching it on a daily basis. The only possible problem is when it's attacked by rodents like rats.

I took a big stainless bowl and packed them outside for us to work on. Check the photo below;

Just like I mentioned earlier, the work is time wasting because We'll be picking them one by one to remove the husk.
I did that with three of my siblings and we got tired around 11:00am.

We got tired because we've not had breakfast, so we went for breakfast by that time, but resuming work became a big challenge because we became lazy via the 'overloaded' feedingšŸ¤£.

We had to push ourselves to resume and we did a very little before closing for the day.
The work gets more tiring when the sun is blazing hot because everywhere will be scratchy.

We packed the corn to where they're to be stored and we burnt the husks

Thanks for reading
