Cosas que tendrías o harías si vivieras en la edad media ENG-ESP


Things you would have or would do if you lived in the middle ages.

The modern world is very comfortable for everyone, modernity has made us lazier but paradoxically it has made us more productive.

Have you ever thought what would happen if you were born in another era? Have you ever wished you were born in another era? Well if so, here are some things that would be very normal in the Middle Ages that you would do if you lived there.


Surely your bed is very comfortable and you love it, because you rest in it very often, and you spend a lot of time in it. But in the Middle Ages beds would not be as comfortable as they are today.

For the beds in the middle ages used to have a couple of layers of mattresses, not entirely comfortable of course, these mattresses would be made of straw, some of wool, and the best mattresses would be made of goose feathers.



Just as in the present day books in the age were hardly read. It is very likely that even you did not know how to read. Books were almost reserved for people of very high hierarchical level, such as Priests, Kings, Monks and High Nobility.


What do you do when there is no light in your city because of a blackout?

You probably spend some pretty bad hours when you have no power in your home, don't you? Well now imagine living without electricity all day and night. Could you stand to live without electricity? I don't think so.

Now imagine that night comes and everything goes dark and you need to light your home or whatever. You obviously need a candle for that. In the middle ages there were two types of candles, wax candles which were made with beeswax, and tallow candles which were made with sheep fat. Wax candles were the most expensive because they were cleaner.



Some of the things that might seem gross today are related to hygiene. Now imagine you need to go to the bathroom to urinate, you might as well do it from your room in a chamber pot.

Urinals were a kind of rather unsightly portable toilet that was often made of ceramic or metal.


Hats in the Middle Ages did not just mean the same as they do today, as hats are now worn for fashion or style, in the Middle Ages wearing hats was synonymous with how rich and wealthy you were, rather than merely a decorative object.



How to store things was very important in the Middle Ages, because at that time there was no refrigerator or any appliance to keep food.

In addition to keeping food, it had to be stored, and for this, flasks were needed, and they came in all shapes and sizes. They were usually made of ceramic.


The shoes were not as comfortable as today's shoes, you can research more about them, as they were very common to cause some kind of damage to the feet as they were made of leather and were very long and pointy, which made the feet not fit them properly.



Only people with a high purchasing power could have bathtubs in their homes, this means that very few people had them, because the middle ages were characterized by the widespread poverty of society among other things.

You could find public bath houses where people attended to be able to sanitize themselves. The tubs were generally made of wood and with a circular style, where two or even three people could fit comfortably.

Well until here the post I hope you have enjoyed it, if so you can leave me a comment.

Cosas que tendrías o harías si vivieras en la edad media

El mundo moderno es muy comodo para todos, la modernidad has ha vuelto mas perezosos aunque a su vez parezca paradojico nos ha vuelto más productivos.

¿Alguna vez ha pensado que pasaría si hubiera nacido en otra epoca? ¿Ha deseado nacer en otra epoca alguna vez? Bueno si es así, acá le traigo algunas cosas que serían muy normal en la edad media y que usted haría si viviera ahí.


Seguramente su cama es muy comoda y usted la adora, pues en ella descansa muy amenudo, y en ella pasa una gran parte del tiempo. Pero en la edad media las camas no serían tan comodas como las actuales.

Pues las camas en la edad media solían tener un par de capas de colchones, no del todo comodo por supuesto, estos colchones estarían hechos de paja, algunos de lana, y los mejores colchones serían de plumas de ganso.



Al igual que en la actualidad los libros en la edad casi no se leían. Es muy probable que ni siquiera usted supiera leer. Los libros estaban casi que reservados para personas de muy alto nivel jerarquico, como Sacerdotes, Reyes, Monjes y la Alta Nobleza.


¿Que hace usted cuando en su ciudad no hay luz a causa de un apagón?

Es muy probable que pase algunas horas bastantes malas cuando no tiene energia electrica en su hogar ¿no es así? Pues ahora imagine vivir sin electricidad todo el día y la noche ¿Podria soportar vivir sin electricidad? Yo no lo creo.

Ahora imagine que llega la noche y todo se vuelve oscuro y usted necesita alumbrar su hogar o lo que sea. Necesita obviamente una vela para ello. En la edad media habian dos tipo de velas, las de cera que se hacian con cera de abeja, y las de sebo que se hacian con grasa de oveja. Las velas de cera eran las mas caras pues eran mas limpias.



Algunas de las cosas que en la actualidad podrian parecer asquerosas es lo relacionado a la higiene. Ahora imagine que necesita ir al baño a orinar pues bien lo podría hacer desde su cuarto en un orinal.

Los orinales eran una especie de inodoros portatiles bastantes desgradables que a menudo estaba hecho de ceramica o de metal.


Los sombreros en la edad media no solo significar lo mismo que en la actualidad, pues en la actualidad se usan los sombreros por moda o estilo, en la edad media usar sombreros eran sinonimos de lo rico y pudiente que eras, mas que un objeto meramente decorativo.



Como almacenar cosas era muy importante en la edad media, pues en esa epoca no habia refrigeradora o algun electrodomestico que mantuviera la comida.

Ademas de mantener las comida habia que almacenarla, para estos se necesitaban los frascos y los podían haber de todas las formas y tamaños. Por lo general estaban hechos de ceramica.


Los zapatos no eraan tan comodos como los actuales usted puede investigar mas a fondo sobre ellos, pues eran muy comun que causaran algun tipo de daño a los pies al estar hecho de cuero y ser muy largos y pintiagudos, lo que hacia que los pies no se acomodaran adecuadamente a ellos.



Solamente las personas con un alto poder adquisitivo podían tener bañeras en sus hogares, esto quiere decir que muy pocas personas lo tenian, pues la edad media se caracterizo por la pobreza generalizada de la sociedad entre otras cosas.

Se podian encontrar casas de baños publicos donde asistian las personas para poder higenizarse, Las bañeras estaban hechas generalmente de madera y con un estilo circular, donde bien podrían caber dos o hasta tres personas comodamente.

Bueno hasta aca el post espero que lo hayan disfrutado, si es así me pueden dejar un comentario.


Do you know the legal name of @themarkymark ???? It is needed to contact his local police station. Any information to his whereabouts would be much appreciated.
