Alien Worlds Missions Launched - How did I miss this?


I'm just confused..

How the hell did I miss that Alien Worlds Missions officially launched? I feel like I did a post on the new UI where they added the Missions tab only a couple weeks ago. Then yesterday I watched a trailer for the Missions and assumed that it was a kind of... This might be here in 6 months kinda thing.

But then today, I was pretty busy doing real life shit and I saw the "how to play Missions" video. I hadn't had a chance to watch it yet but I hopped into the Telegram for an AMA session and people were asking all kinds of questions about the missions. I learned a lot right then and there and had to check it out.

Before this, Alien Worlds had one functionality: Mining. You Mine Trilium TLM, the in game resource that's used for Missions. Every player that hasn't given up on it have been creating a stack of TLM to use for gameplay. It's time to go on space mission, BOIS!!!!

Before you go to the website and ask: Missions are on Binance Smart Chain, so you will need BNB in your Metamask wallet and Binance Smart Chain configured. If you don't know how to get BSC configured on Metamask, scroll through my page and you'll find a guide somewhere. Or google it. Once you have Metamask connected to BSC, you need to Teleport your TLM from WAX blockchain to BSC. There's a Teleport tab which just bridges your TLM to BSC automatically. I don't understand why you can't use your TLM on WAX but I assume it has something to do with the Planet Binance partnership. Maybe that'll happen soon too.


Once you have BNB and TLM in your wallet, you're ready to rent some space ships and get to crackin. There's 8 different types of missions of different rarities. The rarities determine how good the NFTs you earn from missions are. You can see that each mission has a TLM pool which is split amongst all the ships that go on the mission. This is gunna be fun! Here's what it looks like when you go to the Missions page.


Unfortunately, this came unexpectedly for me and all my TLM is staked in liquidity pairs on BluDAC earning me BLU tokens. I can unstake and get them in 3 days, but fuck it I can just swap some of my BLU earnings to TLM. There's some crazy shit coming for BluDAC too that's gunna be insane but we can talk about that later. Looks like ships can be rented for 200 TLM each, and you do get your TLM back after the mission along with your rewards. This is fuckin awesome!


I asked in the Telegram AMA if there would be a schedule for missions and I got a "no". I assume they will be Tweeting a lot of missions out very quickly. Make sure you turn on notifications. I'm sure their Discord will be another avenue to announce missions. They pretty much said "make sure you check for new missions frequently". Great, more shit to check all the time! I don't mind having another tab open. 15 wasn't enough lol. I can't wait to share my first missions!

Are you ready for Alien Worlds Missions?

lemme know.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


That's pretty dope didn't know about this either till now. I saw missions but it had a lock on it and figured that was because it was "coming soon" not because I didn't connect my metamask.

What I'm really starting to dislike about some of these games as of late is the having to have the same token on multiple chains. For example we now have XLM on Wax and now on Binance and you have to convert it to do missions I guess? Kind of not the best user friendly if you ask me. A swap option or something should be right on that page. And why go from a feeless system to one that charges $0.30 per transaction? What the hell is going on! lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yeah I don't fuckin get it. I wanna play so I'll deal but your average wax user my not even know how to set up BSC. The fuckin transaction fees are gunna be rough considering we're all used to free transactions too
