Cheap Cross-Chain Swaps with Changelly


I just wanted to share something I just experienced. I've been using Changelly for quite some time to swap random tokens between different chains. It's extremely easy, convenient, and most of all very cheap. I'll show you what I mean in a minute. Let me also say that I much prefer decentralized exchanges, but in the case of Ethereum... Gas fees will murder your wallet doing anything DeFi. Especially if it's multiple transactions.


What really sparked me wanting to make this post was... I wanted to dump some ETH into CUB without paying an arm and a leg. I live in the U.S. so Binance Bridge isn't really an option for me. I know I could probably use a VPN to access it anyway but I don't wanna risk losing funds. Even if I could use it, the cost to bridge tokens cross chain from ETH can be pretty nasty. So I hopped over to Changelly and found out that you can get BNB on BSC chain. Score! So instead of paying an insane contract interaction gas fee on ETH, I can pay a normal gas fee and have the swap handled third party.


Changelly is kinda underrated in my opinion. You don't really hear anyone talking about it. It gives you the ability swap across multiple chains for a very small fee and you don't even have to create an account. You can if you want to and they also have a paid Pro version, but I don't know shit about it. Ever wanted to swap ETH for BTC on the fly without having to log into an exchange and do the whole sell then buy thing. Way more convenient and can even be quicker.


How about wanting to swap BTC for BNB on BSC on the fly? Sounds like a kinda over complicated thing at first... But not when you can just do it on Changelly. It's very easy to use. You literally can't fuck up unless you try to send BTC to an ETH address or something dumb. If you do that, you should stop using crypto anyway.


Wanna swap BTC for some SOL on Solana? Cool. They got you covered. Get my point? it makes cross chain swaps so easy a caveman can do it. lol


Wanna buy some crypto with a debit card? Here you go. You can even sell! You might be wondering what the process looks like. It's so simple. Say you want to swap ETH for BNB. You set the amount you want to swap and Changelly generates an ETH deposit address. Then all you have to do is input your BNB address to receive. Then send the amount of ETH you specified to the Changelly deposit address. Then you wait.


Incredibly underrated. So in my case - I wanted to swap ETH for BNB on BSC. From Ethereum to Binance Smart chain. Normally that transaction to bridge the ETH over to BSC and then swap the ETH on BSC for BNB would be pretty expensive. You're talking a complex contract interaction which I've seen as high as $100 or more lately... Instead, I used Changelly and only paid 1 gas fee to send the ETH and it was roughly $13. Not great but way better than doing it the other way. In about 5 minutes I had my BNB appear in my Metamask and immediately swapped it for CUB. Then I staked it for that PolyCUB airdrop. and 60% APY.

Now get to swappin! Use my referral link if you wish. I don't know exactly what that does but it would be cool if you did. Happy trading!


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
