Can a Dream Predict the Future?

Dreams began when the first ancient human dreamed, awoke, and contemplated what he had seen, so the story started in 4000 BC when the first dreams were written as primary texts and drawings in ancient caves.
Most people on our planet will probably spend one-third of their lives sleeping, so dreaming is an essential part of our time on Earth; even animals dream!
But the main question now...


Image by Biljana Jovanovic from Pixabay

Can dream hold a message from the future!

To begin, remember that there are two kinds of dreams. The first is the "deeper" one, which speaks about our deep self and is created on a conscious level as a result of real-life outside feelings and emotions.
Some examples of dreams that could foretell what will happen in the future:
"That's Not Based On a Scientific Source"
For example, if you dreamed about being murdered 'God forbid' and you were riding a specific type of car or wearing a specific costume, it could mean that something bad will happen, so you should avoid riding such a car or wearing such a costume.
I know that may not be logical or make sense, but in psychology, every dream has a sign and these signs may occur, but please don't let your dreams ruin your real life because there are many good things in life that we should focus on.

Dreams may attempt to communicate with you in some way

Some dreams are a reflection of our souls, and they may be the medium through which our deepest feelings are expressed. As a result, I believe we should not overlook them, and there are various ways to showcase our dreams, as I will demonstrate below.


Image by suju-foto from Pixabay

Symbol Dictionary

Anything in a dream can be a symbol, and learning dreams symbols will improve your understanding of the dictionary of dreams symbols. For example, a snake in a dream can have different meanings for different people, but to understand the true meaning of a snake in a dream, you must first understand the context in which it appeared.
You should also keep up with a dream journal, which shows the demonstration of most dreams, and you might get lucky and find another person who asks for an explanation of a dream that is close to yours!


My article targets people who are interested in and believe in signs, and I want to emphasize again that it is not a scientific topic that is a proven fact. There are many different perspectives that may be considered, and I would love to hear your thoughts on dreams!


I see some dreams as guides and warning, sometimes we believe more on dreams and we give up in real life...

If I may say, what I do when I dream a bad dream, I ask my friends or parents question after narrating the dream, I will love to hear what they will say but I won't really believe it. I just feel I should be careful when I have a bad dream and if it's a good dream, I will atru to work towards achieving it...

Many dreams come to pass, sometimes it's divine, so you just have to focus and know when the dream comes a s sign, someone might even dream about you and call to tell you to be careful, we just have to heed to those words but not depend on them..

Just this few I can say..

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Absolutely, and as I previously stated, it is not a confirmed fact that happy or bad dreams will occur in reality, but it may show some signs, according to some physiological studies.
Thank you for your feedback!


Sometimes dreams are random and holds no meaning, something they are more specific and can relate to a part of our life.

Sometimes dreams may come as a warning, you may have some questions and some certain dream will answer those questions. I guess it's safe to say dreams hold meanings you just have to figure it out without letting it affect your real life.

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Great comment and that summarizes what I said in my post.
Thanks for your feedback!
