Risultati del Focus Quotidiano su Splinterlands - Fire Focus - (ITA/ENG) - Results of the Daily Focus on Splinterlands - Fire Focus


Buongiorno a tutti e ben ritrovati

Anche quest'oggi, come sto facendo in queste ultime giornate, eccomi approfittare dei periodi morti, dovuti alla mia trasferta dalla mia città a quella attigua, dove mi sto recando per la consueta sessione du fisioterapia, per rispuntare, nuovamente, con questo mio consueto post dedicato ai risultati giornalieri delle mie missioni su Splinterlands.

Daily Focus.png

Devo ammettere, infatti, che, ogni giorno sempre di più, questo mio metodo, usato la prima volta solo per caso, per recuperare un po' di tempo durante la mia giornata, sfruttando tempi che, altrimenti, sarebbero stati sprecati, si sta rivelando importante.

Visti tutti gli impegni, e gli imprevisti, che mi sono capitati negli ultimi giorni, infatti, se non avessi utilizzato questo sistema, dubito che sarei riuscito ad essere così costante, con questi miei articoli giornalieri, e, molto probabilmente, avrei finito col rimanere indietro, ritrovandomi a dover recuperare.

In questo modo, invece, al contrario, non solo mi è riuscito di mantenere la mia costanza, che non era affatto scontata, visti i miei precedenti, ma mi è anche riuscito di farlo senza togliere il tempo a cose ben più importanti che non posso permettermi di trascurare.

Devo ammettere, però, che, nonostante questo piacevole trucchetto, che è tornato molto utile, devo ancora lavorare parecchio sulla mia gestione del tempo, poiché è evidente che qualcosa non torna, ritrovandomi, tutt'oggi, a vivere una situazione di ritardo, e carenza di tempo, che non mi sta bene se voglio realmente riuscire a portare in porto tutti i miei progetti.

Ma queste sono mie divagazioni personali che non c'entrano nulla con l'argomento di questo mio post, e, di conseguenza, direi che è arrivato il momento di andare a parlare di quella che è la reale protagonista, ovvero della missione giornaliera, su Splinterlands, da me completata ieri.

focus Fire.png

Il Focus di giornata che mi sono ritrovato ad affrontare, in questo caso, era di tipo Fire e, di conseguenza, per tentare di racimolare quanti più punti possibili, nella speranza di riuscire ad ottenere un buon numero di scrigni giornalieri, avrei avuto 24 ore di tempo per vincere scontri, contro i miei avversari, utilizzando Summoners, e carte, principalmente dell'elemento fuoco, al limite in combinata con le cosiddette carte neutrali.

Questo tipo di sfida, in realtà, non è certamente tra i miei preferiti, visto che l'elemento in questione non è certamente uno dei più forti del mio mazzo, cosa che, inizialmente, mi aveva fatto riflettere sull'opportunità di provare ad effettuare un cambio.

Visto, però, che in realtà ci sono almeno un paio di Quest, anche se so che, ormai, questo non è un termine adatto ad indicarle, che sopporto ancora di meno, e che probabilmente mi avrebbero messo ancora più in difficoltà se mi fossero capitate, alla fine ho deciso di continuare con questa e vedere che succedeva.

Visto, poi, che, in fondo, con la nuova modalità di gioco tutto è diventato, comunque, molto più complicato, ed anche con i miei elementi preferiti i risultati non sono mai così eclatanti, ero abbastanza rassegnato, e pronto ad ottenere quel che mi riusciva, senza darvi peso poi più di tanto.

In realtà, però, inaspettatamente, devo ammettere che il risultato finale di questa mia missione è stato ben più alto di quello che mi aspettavo inizialmente, visto che mi è riuscito di portare a casa ben sette scrigni che, visti i miei risultati giornalieri attuali, non sono affatto da buttare via.

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Restava ora da capire cosa potersi aspettare di trovare all'interno degli stessi, visto che, da tempo immemore, infatti, le rewards che mi è riuscito di trovare all'interno degli stessi si sono rivelate, sempre, piuttosto mediocri, ma quest'oggi, se non altro, avrei trovato una sorpresa piacevole.

All'apertura degli scrigni, infatti, mi sono trovato davanti a 88 DEC, una Twilight Basilisk, carta rara dell'elemento drago, una Dhampir Infiltrator, altra carta rara dell'elemento drago, e, per concludere la giornata, un pacchetto di carte dell'espansione Chaos Legion che mi lasciava, quindi, la speranza di andare ad incrementare il mio bottino.

Il bilancio della giornata, quindi, dopo il nulla cosmico che mi ha accompagnato, per giorni e giorni, è stato leggermente più interessante, se non altro, anche se ben lontano dal potermi consentire qualsiasi forma di entusiasmo.

Se è vero, infatti, che, comunque, questa giornata è stata leggermente migliore di molte precedenti, è altrettanto vero che non vedo carte epiche, e soprattutto leggendarie, ormai da tempo immemore, nonostante, teoricamente, le possibilità di riceverle sarebbero dovute aumentare.

Le mie speranze, quindi, per raddrizzare questa giornata, trovando magari qualche sorpresa interessante che potesse farmi tornare a gioire un po', erano tutte affidate al pacchetto dell'espansione Chaos Legion trovato, all'interno degli scrigni, poco prima.

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Inutile dire che, purtroppo, anche in questo caso le mie speranze sono state subito disattese, visto che l'apertura dello stesso manteneva, perfettamente, la media prevista, e l'unica carta degna di nota risultava essere la carta rara Molten Ash Golem, dell'elemento fuoco.

Se da un lato, quindi, la giornata è andata sicuramente meglio di altre, consentendomi di incrementare il numero di carte ricevute, dall'altra parte, però, queste ultime non erano nulla di particolarmente importante, che potesse rendere la giornata un po' più entusiasmante.

Continua, quindi, anche oggi, la "storia infinita", che mi vede andare avanti a suon di risultati mediocri, ed insoddisfacenti, a fronte di un impegno di tempo, da parte mia, che, sinceramente, mi fa pensare che "il gioco non vale la candela".

Se le cose non cambieranno in qualche modo nei prossimi giorni, consentendomi di poter riuscire ad ottenere risultati un po' più incoraggianti, che possano stimolarmi a tornare ad apprezzare questo gioco, temo proprio che sarà inevitabile, in un futuro non poi così distante, il mio allontanamento dallo stesso, in favore di altre attività.

Sono sempre più convinto, infatti, che se questi, al momento, sono i risultati massimi ottenibili da Splinterlands, non valga decisamente più la pena di dedicarvi tutto il tempo che lo stesso richiede, visto che, il bilancio della cosa, risulta essere decisamente sfavorevole.

Da fan sfegatato del gioco, fin dai primi tempi nei quali l'ho scoperto, sinceramente ammetto che mi dispiacerebbe un sacco portare avanti questa scelta, e mi auguro che, al contrario, il Team possa implementare qualche cambiamento, nei prossimi giorni, che possa rendere un po' più equilibrate le cose, consentendo un ritorno ad una situazione un po' più sensata.

Se così non dovesse essere, però, seppure a malincuore, sinceramente non vedo alternative percorribili, se non prendere altre strade, e dedicare a questo gioco solamente quei ritagli di tempo, che dovessero rimanere casualmente liberi, giusto per far passare il tempo, senza preoccuparsi minimamente degli eventuali risultati.

Per il momento, però, queste sono solo mie divagazioni mentali e nulla di più, e, quindi, per il momento, non mi resta altro da fare se non porgervi i miei saluti, augurandovi una buona serata, ed invitarvi, sempre che ne abbiate ancora voglia, a continuare a seguirmi ed a leggere i miei prossimi post.

P.S. Se non siete ancora iscritti a Splinterlands e volete iniziare anche voi a giocare a questo splendido gioco potete iscrivervi da quì : Splinterlands

Hello everyone and welcome back

Even today, as I am doing in these last days, here I am taking advantage of the dead periods, due to my travel from my city to the adjacent one, where I am going for the usual physiotherapy session, to reappear, again, with my usual post dedicated to the daily results of my missions on Splinterlands.

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I must admit, in fact, that, every day more and more, this method of mine, used the first time only by chance, to recover some time during my day, taking advantage of times that, otherwise, would have been wasted, is proving to be important.

Given all the commitments, and unexpected events, that have happened to me in the last few days, in fact, if I hadn't used this system, I doubt that I would have been able to be so constant, with these daily articles, and, most likely, I would have ended up staying back, finding myself having to recover.

In this way, however, on the contrary, not only was I able to maintain my constancy, which was not at all obvious, given my background, but I was also able to do it without taking time away from much more important things that I cannot allow me to overlook.

I must admit, however, that, despite this pleasant trick, which has come in very useful, I still have to work a lot on my time management, since it is evident that something is not right, finding myself, even today, living a situation of delay, and lack of time, which does not suit me if I really want to be able to carry out all my projects.

But these are my personal digressions that have nothing to do with the topic of my post, and, consequently, I would say that the time has come to go and talk about what is the real protagonist, or the daily mission, on Splinterlands, completed by me yesterday.

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The Focus of the day that I found myself facing, in this case, was of the Fire type and, consequently, to try to collect as many points as possible, in the hope of being able to get a good number of daily chests, I would have had 24 hours of time to win fights, against my opponents, using Summoners, and cards, mainly of the fire element, at the limit combined with the so-called neutral cards.

This type of challenge, in reality, is certainly not among my favorites, since the element in question is certainly not one of the strongest of my deck, which, initially, made me think about the opportunity to try to perform a change.

Given, however, that in reality there are at least a couple of Quests, although I know that, by now, this is not a suitable term to indicate them, that I bear even less, and that they probably would have put me even more in difficulty if they were. happen, in the end I decided to continue with this and see what happened.

Given, then, that, after all, with the new game mode everything has become, however, much more complicated, and even with my favorite elements the results are never so striking, I was quite resigned, and ready to get what I could, without giving it too much weight.

In reality, however, unexpectedly, I must admit that the final result of my mission was much higher than what I initially expected, since I managed to bring home seven chests which, given my current daily results, they are not at all to be thrown away.

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It now remained to understand what we can expect to find within them, given that, since time immemorial, in fact, the rewards that I was able to find within them have always turned out to be rather mediocre, but today , if nothing else, I would have found it a pleasant surprise.

In fact, when I opened the chests, I found myself in front of 88 DEC, a Twilight Basilisk, a rare card of the dragon element, a Dhampir Infiltrator, another rare card of the dragon element, and, to end the day, a pack of cards of the Chaos Legion expansion which left me, therefore, the hope of going to increase my loot.

The balance of the day, therefore, after the cosmic nothingness that accompanied me, for days and days, was slightly more interesting, if nothing else, even if far from being able to allow me any form of enthusiasm.

If it is true, in fact, that, in any case, this day was slightly better than many previous ones, it is equally true that I have not seen epic cards, and above all legendary, by now from time immemorial, although, theoretically, the chances of receiving them should have increased.

My hopes, therefore, to straighten this day, perhaps finding some interesting surprise that could make me rejoice a little, were all entrusted to the Chaos Legion expansion package found, inside the chests, just before.

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It goes without saying that, unfortunately, also in this case my hopes were immediately disregarded, since the opening of the same perfectly maintained the expected average, and the only noteworthy card was the rare card Molten Ash Golem, of the fire element.

If on the one hand, therefore, the day certainly went better than others, allowing me to increase the number of cards received, on the other hand, however, the latter were nothing particularly important, which could make the day a little more exciting.

Therefore, even today, the "never ending story" continues, which sees me go on to the sound of mediocre and unsatisfactory results, in the face of a commitment of time, on my part, which, frankly, makes me think that "the game not worth the candle ".

If things do not change in some way in the next few days, allowing me to be able to obtain results a little more encouraging, which can stimulate me to return to appreciate this game, I am afraid that it will be inevitable, in the not so distant future, the my departure from the same, in favor of other activities.

I am increasingly convinced, in fact, that if these, at the moment, are the maximum results obtainable from Splinterlands, it is definitely no longer worthwhile to dedicate all the time it requires, given that, the balance of the thing, turns out to be decidedly unfavorable. .

As a die-hard fan of the game, from the very first times in which I discovered it, I honestly admit that I would be very sorry to continue with this choice, and I hope that, on the contrary, the Team can implement some changes, in the coming days, that can make things a little more balanced, allowing a return to a slightly more sensible situation.

If this is not the case, however, albeit reluctantly, I honestly do not see viable alternatives, other than to take other paths, and to dedicate only those scraps of time to this game, which should casually remain free, just to pass the time, without worrying. minimally of any results.

For the moment, however, these are just my mental ramblings and nothing more, and, therefore, for the moment, there is nothing left for me to do but to greet you, wish you a good evening, and invite you, if you have any. still want to continue following me and reading my next posts.

P.S. If you are not yet registered on Splinterlands and you too want to start playing this wonderful game, you can register from here: Splinterlands


Hi friend,

Hope you are having a nice Friday in Italy and your weekend will be off to physiotherapy, wish you a quick recovery and wellness.

I am quite busy these days and will remain mostly in upcoming weeks, time flies away at the speed of light. This is the reason I could respond back to you recently.

I see your league is diamond, your previous league was also same I guess, and your rewards look like silver league, I think there must be some kind of problem in the game after new update that it does not check on the league but rather randomly awards rewards.

You are right about the game pace, it is not supposed to be what it was previously for regular gamers. I see daily many players complain about the bots and waste of time and battle difficulty.

If this situation persists, many good players might make a distance from the game. I hope this does not happen and Devs should change the way game works.

Wish you a lovely weekend ahead.


Posted using Splintertalk


Good morning to you and good weekend.

After the last physiotherapy session, which ended yesterday, I will take advantage of this weekend only and exclusively to relax, given that, as in your case, the past week was quite full of commitments, of various kinds, both personal and family, which they took a long time from me

Do not worry, therefore, in the slightest, about being able to answer me a little late since I could too.

Actually, even in this case, I have reached the Diamond level, however, unfortunately, my rewards continue to literally suck, although in theory, on the contrary, they should be improved

I do not know what all this depends on and if, perhaps, it is I who do not pay adequate attention to some parameters, of which I am not aware, that perhaps would allow me, finally, to receive better rewards, or if, simply, there is something that is wrong with the game

The only thing that is clear to me is that this situation is unnerving and, frankly, I begin to be unable to take it anymore, since it seems to me, literally, that I am wasting my time in exchange for the most absolute nothing, and it doesn't suit me. more well because it doesn't make any sense

I am really tired, in fact, of literally dedicating hours of my time to playing this game, if then the returns I get from it are literally disgusting, as has been happening for days and days now.

If the rewards received were interesting, and worth it, I can assure you that I would be the first to continue playing every day with passion, since this game has always been one of those that I have always liked the most, but the current conditions I no longer want to continue

Like you, and like all other people, each of us has their own commitments, and we cannot think that we can give up on carrying out much more important things, to devote our time to a game, which then not even it rewards us adequately, also because this would go against the very concept of the term play to earn

The only ones who, most likely, are benefiting from this situation, are precisely those who use those bots against which it seemed that this innovation had been created, but on the contrary, it only ended up favoring them further.

And I don't believe for the appointment, as you also said tum that I am the only one who thinks this way, because I know more than one player who, frankly, has the boxes full and is thinking of abandoning the game entirely.

I hope that the developers of the same realize this, and decide to implement changes that can make Splinterlands return to a more balanced situation, which can again stimulate all unhappy people to return to play.

Have a nice weekend



Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 15 SBT tokens to @lozio71, @lordshah

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The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-2.5 BUDS-0.01 MOTA-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

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Good day my friend,

Yesterday, I had a long travel to do, it not also tired me physically but I'd got some backache. Although, had some muscle relaxant medication to feel comfortable, but then another health issue troubled me, a very painful throat infection, and some more medication was suggested by the doctor.
Now, I am recovering but that throat pain is very annoying while having food. Anyway, this is life's ups and downs.

2 days ago I managed to grab 4 chest in seasons rewards, I am looking forward to grab some more if win chances are good, that does not seem so easy at the moment.

I am also upset about game assets, which had a nice value a month ago, but it has dropped drastically If I am not wrong it has dropped to $20. I had received some nice legendary cards while opening new packs, and now they are down to half of their prices a month ago.

The developers have made necessary to upgrade starter packs due to so many bots farming for season rewards. It is a good way to stop them but now I see more and more bot renting gold cards and again annoying real players' game experience.

I think devs should do an open survey of the game, where players should be asked about the new updates and how it is affecting their gameplay. The results may surprise them, but it is a good method that can help toward decentralized economy and future players induction.

Wish you a happy new week and health and wellness.




I'm sorry to know that you haven't been very well and have had more than one health problem, and I hope that in the meantime you are recovering and can be much better already.

Glad to know of your results that I hope can grow more and more, but, above all, that they can offer you rewards worthy of being called such, since lately it seems that there is only garbage

Unfortunately, it has been a long time since all the assets of the game, starting from the tokens, up to the cards, are in free descent and the value of my deck has more than halved, and I can assure you that I am not happy at all. neither did I, also because I had reached a fair value

I don't know, in reality, how real are the attempts to block bots by splinterlands, since, economically speaking, in reality, the bots that run on the game still bring income, even if they end up ruining the game. game economy

What is certain is that, if the updates that have been included, going to ruin the game in my opinion, were used to hinder them, I would say that they were a real failure, since they are back even stronger and more aggressive than before.

I don't know if they will ever poll players to ask what they think of the updates, even if occasionally, during the AMA, I think these topics are covered, but I don't know how much they take into account the opinions of their fanbase

Now it seems that, shortly, modern and wild modes will be introduced, which could further modify the gameplay, upsetting everything again

We will see what happens, hoping that, over time, there can be a rebalancing of the situation that can lead to situations that are a little more acceptable.

Good week to all of you too and good health



Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 15 SBT tokens to @lozio71, @lordshah

remaining commands 13


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-2.5 BUDS-0.01 MOTA-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

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Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

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I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444


Thanks for your concern about my health and wishing me a quick recovery. I feel quite well, but throat infection still kicking my butt, I hope it will subside as medication works.

I have not rented any card in this season, because I was also disappointed with the outcome of win vs loss ration, but as rental players move on to upper leagues, it somewhat cleared the way for folks like us to at least grab some chests, but I don't know if I might get any reward for the time spent in the game.

Regarding update, now Devs will replace DEC rewards into SPS as per the whitepaper, everyone is now confused that what'll become of DEC or can SPS make a good stand in the market. There are many speculations about this new update and I see many comments not in favor of change.

I personally like the change if it benefits both players and owners in the long run, but for the sake of bots totally turning the whole game upside down is not favorable as every game requires new players to keep investments coming, what will old players do only play like a boss earning free loots and then investing same won loot on rentals and card purchases. Not a good idea to keep up with the game.

SPS price is again slid to 0.46$ what a mess. And after few weeks there will a big SPS inflow which will increase SPS market size but not good for price balancing, but let's hope for a bullish run for a while.

Let's hope for a good update in near future, otherwise it will not be a true flagbearer of play-2-earn game.

Wish you a lovely week my friend.




Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 15 SBT tokens to @lozio71

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The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-2.5 BUDS-0.01 MOTA-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

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Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

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I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444


I am sorry to know that the throat infection continues to bother you, and I hope that, as soon as possible, the drugs start working, and that, as a result, the sore throat starts to pass to you as soon as possible because I know how much it can. be annoying

I too try to rent just the necessary cards and nothing more, also because, on balance, if I continue to receive such disappointing rewards, as has been continuously happening in the last few days, the accounts would not add up, and it would be counterproductive to continue spending in rentals if, afterwards, I do not even reimburse the expenses

I've read about the update too, and in all honesty I don't even know what to think about it, especially, then, about the two tokens you mentioned, because I don't know what to expect from them, and I fear a collapse of both

The hope, of course, is that the changes they are implementing these days, including the one we just talked about, will benefit everyone in the long run, but I wouldn't wish that, in the end, it was more the disadvantages than the advantages, since , as you have rightly said, there is a continuous incentive, to invest and reinvest, which becomes heavy to keep up with the game

As for the SPS, the hope is that, in the near future, they will become so central and indispensable, within this game, that, as a consequence, their value will return to higher levels, but, otherwise, not I know what to expect and, honestly, if I went back, I would most likely get rid of a good part of them when they were definitely worth a lot more

I also hope that after all the various updates Splinterlands can go back to being what it once was, which is one of the best play-to-earns out there.

I wish you a good week too



Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 15 SBT tokens to @lozio71, @lordshah

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The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-2.5 BUDS-0.01 MOTA-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

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Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444


Thanks for sharing! - Underlock#8573

Great content!
