Boba Fett's starship ... Lisan al Ghaib and Kwisatz Haderach ... Myth or True? Some of our new videos. A new story - Lego Star Wars 75261 - Clone Scout Walker - 20th Anniversary


While we are transcending some awesome Times, i've thought that this topic around the awesome movie, entitled Dune, would be interesting to write about ... from an artistic perspective.

By far, it's one of the most well #sci-fi movies created in the past years.

The two expressions on wich i've thought we should have a philosophical introspection, are ... "Lisan al Ghaib and Kwisatz Haderach" ...

As some of you might know, the phrase Lisan al Ghaib is one that comes from a Fremen world, but like much of the race's language from this Matrix, it derives from Arabic languages.

The word "Lisan" means "tongue" and "al gaib" means "unseen."

This phrase was given to the legendary Persian poet Hafez after he died sometime in the 14th century.

It is often also translated as "tongue of the unseen realms."

Now, if we would step further inside the sacred matrix, and, we would create some anagrams from the phrase Lisan al Ghaib , we would see that one of the major anagrams made from seven letters will be Abigails ... wich in hebrew terms, means "cause of joy" or "father's joy" ...

Maybe the movie Dune makes some reference to the Mother who will give the birth of the Messiah, Mahdi ...

Now, the next interesting phrase Kwisatz Haderach, wich comes from numerous fictional languages, such as Chakobsa, as spoken by some the Fremens and the Bene Gesserit, it literally would mean "shortening of the way."

Maybe that's why the hunt for the ability to access the so called, Y chromosome, wich is the ancestral genetic memory, is arguably what turned the Bene Gesserit into the mystic organization they are in movie Dune.

They were beginning a secret selective breeding process to try and create the sacred Kwisatz Haderach, that male with the powers of the Bene Gesserit that would allow them to access the Y chromosome genetic memory.

Interesting process, but in the same time, i think we are living those times within the Matrix, when we'll see the Lisan al Ghaib :)

Maybe it's one of us ... Maybe it's living already between us :)

Meanwhile, enjoy some of our videos from the Jedi Order and feel free to share the art we create ...

May the Force be with us.

If you would like to step within the matrix of the new #blockchain for the new video world, you could try this platform:$/invite/@TheArtWorldoftheJedis:5

Amazing alternative for you, artists, vloggers ... out there.

Enjoy our creations there too:

Today, we've also thought that some of our videos would be awesome to be presented through this #story ...

Therefore, here we are with " Jedi Yoda and Master Chen squash practicing Kung Fu "

The music was composed by me, Jeddak Luke :) and it's entitled "Bonsai Silence" ...

I've mentioned now the title, because we are not expecting that people would search the description section :)

Joking ...


We've experienced the stop motion video techniques and with only two characters, Jedi Yoda and Maste Chen Squash, we've @created something awesome, in our humble opinion :)

To do a stop motion movie it actually requires some time, and for just one minute of a movie, sometimes you will take more than 100 #photos


Here's our new youtube channel:

Enjoy some of our videos, some of them are older already ... for more than 1 week :)

Subscribe and share our #artworks ... Enjoy the following videos and stories as well.

Lego Star Wars Clone Scout Walker 20th Anniversary edition it's here people from #hive planet.

We've created a #video through which we've presented the awesome lego set.

You can watch it here:

Also, we were very happy that this lego set had as well the famous Darth Vader lego minifigure as a gift ... as a 20th anniversary set, build in 2019 this it's a cool set.


Hope you'll our video and you'll subscribe to our channel as well.

We took as well a few #photos like the one from above where you can find some cool lego minifigures that this lego set had within it's concept.

Darth Vader represents a unique piece that nowadays, maybe will appear this year in some future lego sets, that might be launched the following Summer.

I think that this kind of lego sets must re-appear in new designs in the near future ...

I think that now with the Mandalorian, Boba Fett and Obi-Wan Kenobi series, the focus will be for some other sets ... but still, we do hope that that there will be more sets with Tusken Raiders as well.


We've created as well some awesome #dioramas for #starwars episodes that will appear soon in our #sciifi episodes :)

You can see some cool photos with Tusken Raiders and the Mandalorian ...


I know that somehow the Sand People received a kind of a weird image during the entire series of Star Wars, but somehow, after Boba Fett's episodes, the entire image of Tusken Raiders changed in one good way of perception of their Tribes.


May the Force be with us.
