The world found a way to legalize selling humans - through marriage...



A few days ago, I was having a conversation with my girlfriend. We saw a post on social media highlighting the current cost of getting married in the country. One may think I'm talking about the general cost of putting up the best ceremony, but no, this has nothing to do with such expenses, but rather, it's about the current so-called culture most of us have to put up with.

There's a lot of things that goes unseen or never spoken of in the world today and sometimes, one should just wonder, are we going crazy that we don't realise this madness? For fuck sake, this is the very first thing a faminist should even be concerned about!

Though this post is not really on to stress any point on feminism, rather, it's about a world problem that sadly, no one has given ears or eyes to see and take action. Not that an average citizen could do anything, but at least a group of average citizens can!

The legalized exchange of human for money

Many of us know of the practice or culture of paying money to parents doing child marriage right? Yes, that is what this is all about! It's kind of a normal practice in Africa, and also in some parts of Asia that I know of. While so many have argued that a bride price isn't money paid in exchange for the girl, it's however clear that it is.

How does it feel to give your child for marriage in exchange for money? Is she a property? Huh?

In the form of this transaction, it is clear that a human can become a property through marriage, some say it's some sort of compensation for the child's labour, and I'm like? Isn't that a legalized form of trafficking you're describing?

Let's get things straight, person A wants to marry person B, and the parents decide he has to bring loads of gifts which, in most cases, each member of the family will put down things of their desire. Now, only this list contains things that cost millions, I mean millions for this part of the world, and permit me to say that this isn't even the bride price. Added to this, the bride price will be paid both to the mother and father, separately, as what? A compensation for the lost of child labour right? That's what the internet says


They Call It Culture and We Should Embrace It

Are women really comfortable knowing they are being sold off as though they were some sorta property? This brings me to the topic "divorce" and why it's difficult in this part of the world!

As a woman, when you look at the fact that lots of money was spent on your head, that's all the ceremony bills coupled with the gifts and the bride price, how the heck can you think of divorce when you know it's not possible to refund such money? In the US an average wedding costs about $30,000 and down here, you're looking at $10,000, which of course is miracle money for an average citizen!

One can't get out of a chaotic marriage if the refund can't be made, proof of tormil can't be presented and if refund was to be overlooked, that wouldn't be fair, but a pure movement of fraud!

Culture, just like religion is a fucked up shit, a practical scam to create a division between people, there's always a line starting the chaos right? That's why our everyday lives are full of havoc.

Bride price is a fraud, a violation of Human Rights, a practical means of selling and trafficking humans, who says people haven't already used this as a means of bypassing the illegal means of trafficking? It's legal when you put a ring on it right? Quite saddening. I don't know what you all thoughts are, but the way pride bride has grown form, it's not in any way a merit to this world.
