Magic in the Attic



A ray of sunlight shines through dust motes onto an old bronze knocker on an attic door, the face of the knocker smiling mysteriously. (AI Art)

This is the story of Francisco, an 8-year-old boy who lived in an ordinary neighborhood in a forgotten part of South America, with an average family.

This boy, Francisco, was in the attic of his house going through the old albums, and inside a box he sees something that shines with a yellow glow, but quite strange, because it released a kind of dust similar to glow of fireflies. From the box, he hears a laugh, a laugh like something he's never heard before, something unusual, and a voice saying welcome.

Francisco was completely fascinated and surprised when he sees this, because he immediately goes to the box and sees the object that is shining, which is a bronze knocker, with the face of an old man who is smiling at him and looking at him. This knocker or this being begins to tell you a story. He tells her that many years ago, in this place, there was a mountain populated by wildlife, with many fauns and satyrs that played the flute and lived in this forest. These fauns were in charge of protecting or guarding a cave.

Francisco asked him what a faun was, and the bronze knocker explained that it was a mythical being with half the human body and half the body with the legs of a goat, with goat horns that played the flute and that they liked to drink a lot of wine and challenge and dance inside the forest. These fauns were in charge of guarding or protecting this cave, and a red dragon lived in the cave. The dragon said that he could grant three wishes to everyone who managed to reach the cave and solve the riddle.

Francisco did not stop being amazed and even in love with all this story that the bronze knocker told him. So, finished the story, the knocker disappeared completely, and Francisco doesn't know where it went or why it disappeared. But Francisco would return to the attic every day to see if the knocker would appear, and the knocker would just appear and call him, say: "Francisco, I'm here," and the bronze knocker would appear every day in a different box and tell him a different story every day to Francisco. Each time, the stories were more interesting, they talked about magical beings, goblins, witches and enchanted castles dominated by very powerful wizards.

Francisco couldn't get out of his astonishment until one day he asked the bronze knocker if those stories they told him were real. The voice from the knocker told him that yes, all those stories were very real and they were as real as he wanted them to be. The knocker explained that she was an entrance or a door to fantasy worlds, and Francisco immediately began to think that he lived all those adventures with each of the protagonists, with the dragon, with the fauns that guarded the cave of the dragon and started living all those adventures in his mind with all those magical creatures. He really enjoyed each of these adventures, but over time he grew up and realized that he missed his friends and his real life a lot.

So he himself understood that living in these fantasy worlds is very fabulous, it is very wonderful, but that reality also offered him many joys. Francisco gradually forgot about this magical bronze knocker and began to resume his real life again, which offered him many challenges with his friends and with his normal development as a boy, passing into adolescence.

This is my story about the magic knocker for the five minute daily writing challenge.

This is my entry in @mariannewest's daily freewriting challenge. Today's prompt is bronze door knocker.


Esta es la historia de Francisco, un niño de 8 años que vivía en un vecindario común en un lugar olvidado de Sudamérica, con una familia promedio.

Este chico, Francisco, se encontraba en la parte del ático de su casa revisando los antiguos álbumes, y dentro de una caja ve algo que brilla con un brillo de un color amarillo, pero bastante raro, porque soltaba como una especie de polvillo similar al brillo de las luciérnagas. Desde la caja, escucha una risa, una risa como de algo que nunca antes había escuchado, algo poco común, y una voz que le dice bienvenido.

Francisco quedó completamente fascinado y sorprendido cuando ve esto, pues inmediatamente va hacia la caja y ve el objeto que está brillando, que es una aldaba de bronce, con la cara de un anciano que está sonriéndole y que le mira. Esta aldaba o este ser comienza a contarle una historia. Le dice que hace muchos años, en este lugar, había una montaña poblada por vida salvaje, con muchos faunos y sátiros que tocaban la flauta y vivían en este bosque. Estos faunos se encargaban de proteger o custodiar una cueva.

Francisco le preguntó qué era un fauno, y la aldaba de bronce le explicó que era un ser mítico con mitad del cuerpo humano y mitad del cuerpo con patas de cabra, con cuernos de cabra que tocaban la flauta y que les gustaba beber mucho vino y retosar y bailar dentro del bosque. Estos faunos se encargaban de custodiar o de proteger esta cueva, y en la cueva habitaba un dragón de color rojo. El dragón decía que le podía conceder tres deseos a toda aquella persona que lograra llegar a la cueva y resolver el acertijo.

Francisco no dejaba de estar asombrado y hasta enamorado de toda esta historia que le contaba la aldaba de bronce. Así que, terminada la historia, la aldaba desaparecía completamente, y Francisco no sabe hacia dónde se iba o por qué desaparecía. Pero Francisco todos los días regresaba al ático para ver si aparecía la aldaba, y la aldaba precisamente aparecía y lo llamaba, le decía: "Francisco, estoy aquí", y la aldaba de bronce aparecía todos los días en una caja diferente y le contaba una historia diferente todoslos días a Francisco. Cada vez, las historias eran más interesantes, hablaban sobre seres mágicos, duendes, brujas y castillos encantados dominados por magos muy poderosos.

Francisco no podía salir de su asombro hasta que un día le preguntó a la aldaba de bronce si esas historias que le contaban eran reales. La voz de la aldaba le dijo que sí, que todas esas historias eran muy reales y eran tan reales como él quisiera que fueran. La aldaba le explicó que ella era una entrada o una puerta a los mundos de fantasía, y Francisco de inmediato empezó a pensar que vivía todas esas aventuras junto a cada uno de los protagonistas, junto al dragón, a los faunos que custodiaban la cueva del dragón y empezó a vivir todas esas aventuras en su mente con todas esas criaturas mágicas. Él disfrutaba mucho cada una de estas aventuras, pero con el tiempo fue creciendo y se dio cuenta de que extrañaba mucho a sus amigos y la vida real.

Así que él mismo entendió que vivir en estos mundos de fantasía es muy fabuloso, es muy maravilloso, pero que también la realidad le ofrecía muchas alegrías. Francisco fue olvidándose de esta aldaba de bronce mágica y comenzó a retomar nuevamente su vida real, que le ofrecía muchos retos con sus amistades y con su desarrollo normal de chico, pasando a la adolescencia.

Esta es mi historia sobre la aldaba mágica para el reto de los cinco minutos de escritura diaria.

Esta es mi participación en el desafío diario de escritura libre de @mariannewest. El prompt de hoy es aldaba de bronce.

The header image is maded using and has a link to their web. The separators and the signature were made using and are entirely my own.


Great read. I think the adventures are better than "real life" 😁😁


Well actually in my stories the adventures are much better than real life hahahaha.


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