The importance of having a role model in the financing world - Part 3


Favoriting one set of subordinates against others may result in conflict among themselves

Energetic - this is another natural quality or trait that must be found in a good leader. Leadership operation is very complex and complicated in which it involves stress of moving here and there to direct others and make organizational goals to be fulfilled. Thus requires a leader to be energetic and strong enough to cope with leadership tasks.

An individual who is not physically and intellectually strong or fit cannot serve as a leader because he may not be able to cope with leadership tasks.

Knowledge of human relations - a role model who is also a leader has been said to perform interpersonal roles of management and he also possesses human skill of being a manager. Hereford a good leader must possess habit of human relation that will make him to cope with individual difference in behaviors of the subordinates.

An individual who does not like to be relating with others cannot be seen as a role model or leader. A leader will bed to be relating with subordinates to understand them better with best ability to get problems they encounter in their areas of job or tasks

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Sence of co-operativeness - the organizational objectives are attained through effective co-operation and cordial relationship between the leader and his subordinates. A good role model must try to handle the subordinates in the way to get their co-operation. He cannot do all alone to achieve the organizational goals but by working with others.

The group objectives will be achieved easily if a leader tries to co-operate with the subordinates

Inner drive - this implies that a leader should be a self-starter. The tasks and activities that involve in a leadership operation are complex than forcing an individual to acquire a leadership position. The interest and readiness of an individual to serve as a leader must be acquired. For example, if a person had no leading or ruling ambition but was forced to emerge as a leader, he may not be able to come out with reasonable achievement.

Moral courage and integrity - a good leader must always be found with good and moral habits that his subordinates can learn from. Moral courage and integrity here involve doing the right things with the best dedicated efforts so that the subordinates under a leader can learn from him. Being a leader by example is best of an effective leader as subordinates can learn good things from him.

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