Too steep - Evening Run


I just finished a 6.525km running that lasted about 0hh:32mm:39ss !


After 4 days where I walked a lot and really felt tired for some reasons, I finally went back for a run this evening. The start was a bit difficult but I thought I got a decent stride after a little bit. I tried to find a route that I liked last time I was in this area, but apparently I failed and ended up in a steep uphill. Too steep for my current form, and I had to walk for a bit, this is clearly obvious on the elevation/pace charts below. That's why my overall pace is a couple of seconds slower than 8min/mile, which usually does not happen any more. Taking into account that walked portion, this is actually not that bad. The route was pretty nice though, mostly on asphalt and in the shade, and with very little traffic. Maybe next time I will try and mix in a little bit of trail running, these nice and wide trails you can see on the left on the cover picture.

Somewhere in the middle of the run, after a sharp turn, I almost bumped into somebody that I obviously hadn't seen behind the corner. Of course, after so many years in the US, it's now a reflex, I said "Ooops, sorry" in English. This guy looked at me as if I was from a different planet or something, and probably wondered what the hell was wrong with me. This is not a very touristic area, and I doubt French locals see many people speaking English. Anyways, I kept running without stopping.

Weather is supposed to be rainy and stormy tomorrow, so I probably will wait till Sunday for another run.

Till then, keep Exhausting!


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I upvoted you, thanks for posting!
