[ESP-ING] Mi Sueño mas deseado el Toyota Yaris//My most desired dream the Toyota Yaris


Hola querida comunidad ¿Cómo están? esta es mi primera participación en un concurso Fuente promocionado por #OCD de unirnos a esta nueva comunidad Planetauto

Hello dear community how are you? this is my first participation in a contest Source promoted by #OCD to join this new planetauto community

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Fuenteeditado desde canva Fuente

Estoy segura que ha muchos le sorprende mi elección, por no ser un Ferrari un Bugatti, un Porsche, no tengo nada en contra de esas elecciones porque son autos espectaculares sin lugar a duda, pero no pretendo engañar a nadie este es el auto de mi sueño y se que se va hacer realidad algún día no muy lejano , ¿porque escogí este vehículo? mi esposo tenia una camioneta y siempre insistía en dármela para que la manejara, pero para mi, no la sentía cómoda por que era muy grande, luego después de un tiempo compro un vehículo mas pequeño y lo conduje muy cómodamente, es por esa razón que me gustan los autos pequeños,

I am sure that many are surprised by my choice, for not being a Ferrari, a Bugatti, a Porsche, I have nothing against those choices because they are spectacular cars without a doubt, but I do not pretend to deceive anyone this is the car of my dream and I know that it will come true someday not too far away, why I chose this vehicle? my husband had a truck and always insisted on giving it to me to drive, but for me, I did not feel comfortable because it was too big, then after a while he bought a smaller vehicle and I drove it very comfortably, it is for that reason that I like small cars,

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Fuenteeditado desde canva Fuente

¿cuanto cuesta este vehículo en mi país?, tres mil trecientos (3300 dolares), el precio apareció publicado en una pagina de facebook,Fuente quien esta vendiendo este hermoso toyota yaris es Miguellito BG, este vehículo tiene una silueta hermosa, es muy veloz, y muy cómodo para mi gusto, se parece a mi, muy resistente(entre risas)

How much does this vehicle cost in my country, three thousand thirteen hundred (3300 dollars), the price appeared published on a facebook page,Source who is selling this beautiful toyota yaris is Miguellito BG, this vehicle has a beautiful silhouette, is very fast, and very comfortable for my taste, looks like me, very resistant(between laughs)

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Fuenteeditado desde canvaFuente

Cuanto tengo que trabajar para obtenerlo, yo pienso que es un precio muy accesible, aunque no he tenido para comprármelo pero con trabajo duro y buenas oportunidades es posible aunque en Venezuela el salario mínimo es muy bajo, pero siempre hay buenas remuneraciones como la que ofrece HIVE BLOG

How much I have to work to get it, I think it is a very affordable price, although I have not had to buy it but with hard work and good opportunities it is possible although in Venezuela the minimum wage is very low, but there are always good remunerations like the one offered by HIVE BLOG


@maria75 I enjoyed your post. I was surprised to see it wasn't a supercar, but a car like this Yaris is a great choice! They are very reliable, good looking, easy to maintain, and can create many memories driving them on long road trips. Let us know if you get the Yaris and when you do please let us know. Share the photos etc :)

Thanks for sharing your dream with us, @planetauto and I do enjoy this kind of posts!



Thank you for your wishes, God willing I will achieve my dream.


Thank you, @maria75, for sharing your dream car with us! We love small cars here, and the GR hot hatch version of the Yaris is a very desirable car 😍

Please keep sharing your posts with us, as I am excited to see what else catches your eye...

