Rómulo, El Alcohólico que la Muerte lo Salvó [Esp-Eng]



Rómulo estaba allí, sentado en la esquina de la calle Lara, dormido y ebrio, era un bulto de carne inerte, un ser sin vida, el alcohol le había arrebatado todo, vestido como un mendigo, su ropa sucia y mal oliente, su cabello percudido por el sol y sus zapatos rotos, que al caminar se le salían sus dedos y el talón.

¡Despierta Rómulo, despierta! Así le grita Doña Ana, su madre, con lágrimas en sus ojos todos los días vivía este calvario, su hijo, su único hijo, era un lumpen social, un sin vergüenza vagabundo, que vivía solo para el alcohol.

—Rómulo hasta cuándo, todos los días es esto, vente a casa, báñate, cambia tu vida, deja el vicio, hasta cuándo tomas, ¡ya no aguanto esto, hijo!.

Rómulo despierta y mira a su madre a los ojos, apoyando su mano a la silla y con el tembloroso se levanta de la silla y con tono fuerte e irónico dice:

—hola madre, solo descansaba un poco, el trabajo hoy estuvo duro y relajaba mi cuerpo, deja de hablar tanto, yo no tomo mucho alcohol, solo lo hago con los dos soles, el sol suave y tenue de la mañana y con el sol incandescente y caliente de la tarde, mis dos soles me acompañan siempre y por supuesto madre, mi mejor amiga, la botella de cocuy, que es simplemente esa bebida maravillosa que me da la fuerza para trabajar.

Doña Ana, lo mira y sonríe, lo toma de la mano como si fuera un niño pequeño y le dice, vamos a casa, Rómulo la abraza y le dice ¡Te Amo!, Abre su bolso y saca 10 monedas, toma cinco para su bolsillo y las otras se las entrega orgullosamente a la madre, empiezan a caminar juntos como par de enamorados, camino a su casa y a unas pocas calles, Rómulo introduce la mano en su bolsillo, saca las monedas y se para donde Emilio para comprar otra botella de alcohol.


Romulo was there, sitting on the corner of Lara Street, asleep and drunk, he was a lump of inert flesh, a lifeless being, the alcohol had taken everything from him, dressed like a beggar, his clothes dirty and smelly, his hair percuded by the sun and his shoes broken, his toes and heel were coming off when he walked.

Wake up Romulo, wake up! That's how Doña Ana, his mother, shouted at him, with tears in her eyes, every day she lived this ordeal, her son, her only son, was a social lumpen, a shameless vagabond, who lived only for alcohol.

-Romulo, how long, every day it's like this, come home, take a bath, change your life, stop the vice, how long will you drink, I can't stand this any more, son!

Romulo wakes up and looks his mother in the eyes, resting his hand on the chair and with a trembling he gets up from the chair and with a strong and ironic tone he says: "Hello mother, I was just resting, I just wanted to rest:

-hello mother, I was just resting a little, work today was hard and I was relaxing my body, stop talking so much, I don't drink much alcohol, I only do it with the two suns, the soft and faint sun in the morning and with the incandescent and hot sun in the afternoon, my two suns always accompany me and of course mother, my best friend, the bottle of cocuy, which is simply that wonderful drink that gives me the strength to work.

Doña Ana, looks at him and smiles, takes him by the hand as if he were a little boy and says, let's go home, Romulo hugs her and says I love you, she opens her purse and takes out 10 coins, takes five for her pocket and the others she gives them proudly to her mother, they start walking together like a couple of lovers, on their way home and a few streets away, Romulo puts his hand in his pocket, takes out the coins and stops at Emilio's to buy another bottle of alcohol.


La madre triste ve a su hijo con una mirada de decepción y ve como destruye su vida, el alcohol, todos los días era lo mismo, comenzaba a tomar con el sol de la mañana y terminaba con el sol de la tarde, sus dos soles como él decía eran la marca del tiempo en la sumisión de su vida en el alcohol.

Rómulo nació en 1980 en un pueblo andino y pintoresco, un niño sano y travieso, le gustaba escalar árboles y soñaba con circuitos eléctricos, la inventiva la llevaba en su sangre, corría en todo momento, su única quietud era cuando desarmaba equipos electrónicos para ver qué tenían dentro.

Algún día seré un gran ingeniero, decía Rómulo y cuando lo sea invéntate un robot, para que mi madre no limpie más nunca la casa, su madre se sentía orgullosa de la vocación de su hijo, era su tesoro, su único hijo y su compañero, el padre de Rómulo había muerto, lo habían atropellado, era un alcohólico y un día venía trastabillando por la carretera y auto lo mato.

Van pasando los años y Rómulo poco a poco conseguía sus sueños, estudiaba en la universidad, ingeniería electrónica, trabajaba en una fábrica de integrados, una linda novia y una madre orgullosa de su hija, su vida estaba completa y cada día mejoraba era constante y aplicado, lo que quería lo conseguía.

Hasta que llegó aquel día fatal e irónico, la constancia de Rómulo, lo premio ese día sería ingeniero, su gran sueño y fue así, bien vestido y perfumado con traje negro y corbata roja, zapatos impecables y bien peinado, toma a su madre de la mano y va a la celebración de su logro, era Ingeniero.

Fueron a cenar al mejor restaurante de la ciudad y juntos a sus dos amores, su madre y su novia, comieron un manjar, al terminar esta maravillosa cena, lleva a su madre a casa y va a celebrar con su chica, esa noche fue de excesos, estaban en un sitio de baile y la algarabía se adueñó de todo, botellas y botellas tomaron esa noche y justo antes de uno de sus dos soles, salieron del lugar.


The sad mother looks at her son with a look of disappointment and sees how he destroys his life, alcohol, every day was the same, he started drinking with the morning sun and finished with the afternoon sun, his two suns as he said were the mark of time in the submission of his life in alcohol.

Romulo was born in 1980 in a picturesque Andean village, a healthy and mischievous child, he liked to climb trees and dreamed of electrical circuits, inventiveness was in his blood, he ran at all times, his only stillness was when he disassembled electronic equipment to see what was inside.

Someday I will be a great engineer, said Romulo, and when I am, invent a robot, so that my mother will never clean the house again. His mother was proud of her son's vocation, he was her treasure, her only son and her companion, Romulo's father had died, he had been run over, he was an alcoholic and one day he was stumbling along the road and was killed by a car.

As the years went by, Romulo gradually achieved his dreams, he studied at the university, electronic engineering, worked in an integrated factory, had a beautiful girlfriend and a mother who was proud of her daughter, his life was complete and every day he improved, he was constant and applied, he got what he wanted.

Until that fateful and ironic day came, the constancy of Romulo, he was rewarded that day he would be an engineer, his great dream and it was like that, well dressed and perfumed with black suit and red tie, impeccable shoes and well groomed, he took his mother by the hand and went to the celebration of his achievement, he was an engineer.

They went to dinner at the best restaurant in town and together with his two loves, his mother and his girlfriend, they ate a delicacy, at the end of this wonderful dinner, he took his mother home and went to celebrate with his girl, that night was of excesses, they were in a dancing place and the hubbub took over everything, bottles and bottles they drank that night and just before one of his two soles, they left the place


Totalmente ebrios tomaron el vehículo y sin ninguna prevención encendieron y fueron rumbo a casa, cuando transitaban la autopista, Rómulo se durmió y choco a una parada de autobuses, atropello y mato a tres niños automáticamente y a su novia, que con el impacto se fracturó su servicial, ese día fue el inicio de la debacle de Rómulo.

La desesperación y la culpa se adueñaron de su vida y quiso destruirla cada día con el alcohol, a partir de ese momento hace 22 años, Rómulo se entregó al alcohol y tomo todos los días, en sus dos soles, desde el sol de la mañana hasta el sol del ocaso de la tarde.

Ya camino a casa junto con su madre, Rómulo compra su botella, la última botella de su vida, llegan a casa y Rómulo le dice a su madre que tenía hambre, ella tiernamente le dice que hay sopa, que ya se la servía, le pide que por favor se bañe, que olía mal y que por favor no bebiera más, Rómulo se sonrió y le dijo:

—Madre, yo me bañé la semana pasada y no huelo mal, huelo a hombre fuerte.

Su madre se sonríe y comienza a calentar la sopa, mientras Rómulo seguía tomando y quejándose de sus zapatos rotos, tenía el talón carcomido por el asfalto, caminaba prácticamente descalzo, su madre lo escucha pelear con el mismo y le dice:

—Hijo, por favor deja de tomar alcohol, si no gastaras en eso tendrías ropa y zapatos lindos, recuerda eres Ingeniero, lo que tanto querías y nunca lo has ejercido, supera esa depresión y comienza a vivir, nunca es tarde para empezar.

Mientras le servía la sopa le decía lo mucho que lo amaba, que siempre sería su niño pequeño, que diera ese regalo que se bañara y dejara de tomar, va la mesa y le sirve la última sopa de su vida, se sienta junto a él y le dice, come y mientras comes promete que dejaras de beber y que serás el mejor ingeniero del mundo, te amo hijo, terminar esta frase un infarto fulminante la mato.

Rómulo la ve caer y la abrazo desesperado y grita madre, no tomaré más, pero vive madre, la madre lo miro y expiró en la muerte.

La ironía de la vida, la muerte y alcohol siempre estuvo presente en su vida y lo que lo hundió la salvó, a partir de ese día Rómulo dejo de beber y se prometió que los dos soles de su vida serían para honrar a su madre, que guardaría sus Zapatos rotos para no volver más nunca al alcohol y todas sus cenas serían sopa para recordar a su madre.


Totally drunk they took the vehicle and without any prevention they started and headed home, when they were driving on the highway, Romulo fell asleep and crashed into a bus stop, ran over and killed three children automatically and his girlfriend, who with the impact fractured her arm, that day was the beginning of Romulo's debacle.

Desperation and guilt took over his life and he wanted to destroy it every day with alcohol. From that moment 22 years ago, Romulo gave himself to alcohol and drank every day, in his two suns, from the morning sun to the evening sunset.

On the way home with his mother, Romulo buys his bottle, the last bottle of his life, they arrive home and Romulo tells his mother that he was hungry, she tenderly tells him that there is soup, that she was already serving it to him, she asks him to please take a bath, that he smelled bad and to please not drink anymore, Romulo smiled and told her:

-Mother, I took a bath last week and I don't smell bad, I smell like a strong man.

His mother smiled and began to heat up the soup, while Romulo continued drinking and complaining about his broken shoes, his heel was eaten away by the asphalt, he was practically walking barefoot, his mother heard him fighting with himself and said to him:

-Son, please stop drinking alcohol, if you didn't spend on that you would have nice clothes and shoes, remember you are an engineer, what you wanted so much and you have never exercised it, get over that depression and start living, it is never too late to start.

While she served him the soup she told him how much she loved him, that he would always be her little boy, that he should give that gift, that he should take a bath and stop drinking, she went to the table and served him the last soup of his life, she sat down next to him and told him, eat and while you eat promise that you will stop drinking and that you will be the best engineer in the world, I love you son, finishing this sentence a heart attack killed her.

Romulo saw her fall and hugged her in desperation and shouted mother, I won't drink anymore, but mother lives, the mother looked at him and expired in death.

The irony of life, death and alcohol was always present in his life and what sunk him saved her, from that day on Romulus stopped drinking and promised himself that the two suns of his life would be to honour his mother, that he would keep his broken shoes to never return to alcohol and that all his dinners would be soup to remember his mother.


No pierdan está oportunidad de participar en la iniciativa e invito a @olujose6 y @elgatoshawua.


Que conmovedor relato. Muy sentido.



Un excelente relato que me hizo recordar a un buen amigo quien se graduó de ingeniero electrónico en la universidad Simón Bolívar con notas sobresalientes por allá en los años 80 y que después de ganar mucho dinero cayó en el vicio del alcohol. Jamás pudo salir de ese mundo asqueroso. Esa vida lo atrapó de tal forma que lo llevó a la ruina y posteriormente a la muerte.

El alcohol es un cáncer permitido por la sociedad.

Saludos, buen amigo.


Así es, las adicciones son fatales para la vida de cualquiera, solo ellos mismo pueden salir de alli


Uff, la escuché dos veces por los dos programas de curación en los que le encontré hoy. Fue conmovedor, aunque las voces de Frankches le dieron un toque gracioso jajaja.


Si franches es un espectáculo gracias por el comentario


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