Time for New Year's Resolutions or Letters to your Future Self


Hi! Have you already done your New Year's Resolutions? I have done mine last days. I have done it since 2008. It helps me analyse the past and the future. Some resolutions are fulfilled while others need more time to be accomplished. So, I check the ones that were fulfilled and analyse the ones that don't.

Some would say that there is no sense in doing this. I would say that it gives you a proper image of what you have to work more on to accomplish and the opportunity to celebrate what was already accomplished. In my opinion, there isn't such thing that can't be done. It depends on being decided on a certain thing, having a powerful will, and setting smart goals.


You can set New Year's resolutions with regards to health, money, lifestyle, friends, love, and so on. So, why not start right now and see through time what were your old resolutions and what is now on the table?

Or maybe you would like to write at the end of this year a Letter to your Future Self, that means...a letter that you will write to yourself and that you will receive in 1 year or more...it depends on you to set the date. I did this a few years ago and still waiting for my letter.

You can write a Letter to your Future Self, right here.


It is easy to do it and it can be self-healing.

And don't forget...

