[Live] Splash Page Hacking Part 3

(Unsupported https://www.vimm.tv/mba2020/embed?autoplay=0)

Game (Category):

Click here to watch the live stream!

Tracking Special

Today we are tracking out ads that we have created. We will be sending an email to see if we can get some interest. The purpose of all of this is to send traffic to our offers so we can build our list.

HTML Refresher

HTML is extremely useful, I recommend everyone get familiar with the basics. If you have been watching you can see just a little HTML really gives us quite a bit of power.

Let’s get organized by creating folders and keeping all of our code so that we can reuse it every time we need it.

I know this seems time-consuming but that is just because you are new to this type of thing. We all had to take extra time when learning something new.

This post was generated from a live stream on Vimm.tv
